cory and siemiese fighter fighting

he is just flaring at him, which is basically showing that he's the boss :p

what size tank?
i suggest you gett 4 more friends for your cory as they like to school together

it is agression but the cory won't realise that. get the cory some friends and all should be well. if the betta starts biting yank him though, the slime coat on the cory could get hurt.
I generally keep my bettas in the community before they go to their own tanks, and yes, after a while, they get like this. IME its after they start bubblenesting. They get territorial and generally a bit narky to everything nearby.
dont just say yank him lol, the newb might actually yank him! remove him from the tank into his own little tank! :p
i wasnt saying you were stupid, but you never know what people are actually going to do ;)
you should hear my mate, he suggests getting a tank and just thowing the fish in strait away with no filter because the fish should learn how to filter it themselves.
shuttlechamp said:
you should hear my mate, he suggests getting a tank and just thowing the fish in strait away with no filter because the fish should learn how to filter it themselves.
well you could always get a tank for the betta by himself without a filter or heater as long as you do weekly 100% water changes

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