Mini spawn fry adoption

red99cat said:
Males 7 and 11 look great.
Are you getting those long betta tube bags?
Yeppers, I bought the bags on Aquabid and they were being sold as bags specifically for the shipping of juvie bettas. From the pic they look exactly like the bags I've always received bettas in.

Auratus said:
Do you have any females that are really copper/silverish?

Female #5 is nice :wub:
I've got some silverish ones, but no copper until the F2 (which I'm planning to be the first step towards CT plakats, so they'll probably have weird finnage anyway :p) The silvery ones have light red undertones and look like little pink pearls to me. I hope they stay that way, and I think they will, but I'm not 100% sure. This is the one I'm keeping :D

shuttlechamp said:
i want one. :drool: any chance of getting them in the uk? :(
Afraid not... I have no idea what kind of paperwork would go into that :(
I'm up to six bettas in individual tanks and promised Hubby I'd stop after I get some girls for a sorority tank. I'll be picking up my 10 gallon tomorrow and can start getting it refurbished and ready for new occupants in a few weeks :D
Synirr, if you have a pretty silver or green female that you think would pair well with my Green/White BF HM boy, I'd LOVE one! :wub: I was thinking of trying HM Plakats, sometime...
splashluff said:
Synirr, if you have a pretty silver or green female that you think would pair well with my Green/White BF HM boy, I'd LOVE one! :wub: I was thinking of trying HM Plakats, sometime...
You can have one of course, but I'm not sure you'd want to breed any of mine with your boy... you're likely to get a lot of redwash if you do :/
Of course, if you're not really worried about breeding show-quality babies then that wouldn't matter, lol
why does Australia have to be so far away? :(
Synirr, I was just thinking about that after I posted :*).... I also have a Red/Green BF with a Super-Delta (very near HM) tail that carries the HM geno, so I was also considering him. He is going to be a freakin amazing daddy, he ALWAYS has ginormous bubblenests that are like 1/2" tall taking over his 2.5gal tank. I'd LOVE to have one of your girls anyway, if not for breeding then for my female community tank.

I luurve the darker silver female on top in the pic of the silvery girls :wub: I would love to have a girl like her. I'm definitely willing to pay an extra $10-20 or whatever for a nice girl, I know you put a ton of effort and care into raising your babies :thumbs:
Alrighty Splash, I'll be on the lookout for a girly for you then :nod:
Would you prefer a silver one, or one of the green iridescent ones? The one you're refering to in that pic is actually going to end up being green iridescent...

Here's a pic with an example of two greenies:

and here's one that illustrates the difference... silvery one at the bottom left, darker greeny next to it

Basically, the difference is in the colour beneath the iridescent layer. It's darker red on the green ones, whereas on the silvers it's a lighter pinkish tone. This is the silver I'm keeping... not that impressive without good lighting to show off the iridescence, but you can see how the head area is a much lighter tone. It's actually the same one as in the above pictures from my last post :)
ughha, they're all SO pretty! I do love the darker, green irridescent. I'll PM you a few recent pictures of my male, since you're definitely a good judge on which girl would match him best :)
Eee, congrats on such beautiful fry! Last I was able to check, they were simply itty bitty and nearly transparent! They've grown so lovely. but then they had stunning parents so it's to be expected. I'd adore to have one, it doesn't really matter if it's male or female. I'd happily take one that you think might be a little tougher to find a home <3

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