guppy fry. help


Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
Carlisle ,north England
i thought i had all males but i got a female too who has now "given birth" if that is the right word. i dont know what to do because it has never happened before and i need a complete guide. like what food and PH?
Have you separated the fry from the main tank? If not what other fish do you have? I'm asking these questions because many of you fry (baby fish) may get eaten; even the mother might eat them! If you have a lot of hiding places, rocks, slate and plants then some may survive in the tank, (depending on their tank mates).
The fry need the same temperature, PH etc. as the adults, but do try to keep the water very clean.
You can get liquid food for them but they will quite happily eat finely ground flakes, feed them plenty (hence the need to keep the water clean) about three times a day if you can.
This post by DeepSeaFishin might help you ..........

Good luck. :thumbs:
i have a breeding net i am keeping them in. my other fish are a bronzed cory, male fighting fish, 6 neon tetras,and 3 plec type things. Half of them were killed cos i didnt realise but i have about ten left. i have some middle and bottom fish food which im grinding up, is that ok?
Bottom fish food? Like tablets? Try crushing up flakes, and then getting some kind of Freeze-dried food from the store. Hikari is a good brand...and there is lots of kinds you can get. Brine Shrimp seem to be a favorite with mine. :)
all I can say is that I take top quality flake food and powder it up between my fingers...that seems to be their snack size. Also they feed off java moss and hide in it, if you can buy a clump of it somewhere. I have a bunch of guppy fry hiding in a java moss clump as I speak, and loving it! :) They seem to snack on the larger fish food that can get missed by the adult fish and fall onto the moss. I only crush or powder the flakes when I've got the fry in a separate container.

Good luck and have a chocolate cigar in honor of being a new fishy parent! :thumbs:
im starting some guppys too...the males an females are sooo pretty so i cant wait to see the fry :D i did not know they would hide in Java Moss. if any of you live close you can fish out all the Java moss out of my grandmums pond your heart desires.! take it all please!
i have the moss and they seem to like it but i am keeping them in the breeder still. will they be the colour of the father or not? am i able to tell which is the father? -_-
They may look some like the father. At least, the males may have some similar markings or coloring. But it all depends on the genes...sometimes you'll get blue Guppies from red mothers and fathers. :dunno:

Usually some will look somewhat like Dad, but it can be hard to tell which father they came from if you have a lot of similar Guppies. I guess you'll have to see when they grow up who they look like! :)

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