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  1. C

    Bottom Dwellers

    A dwarf cichlid or 2? Rams or Apistogramma are popular choices
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    Substrate And Algae

    How much difference does a proper plant substrate make to plant growth? Some of my plants do fine, but my swords are failing miserably. Also, how do you get algae off plant leaves? A few weeks away and the anubias are mostly algae on the leaves now. Any tips?
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    Save Money On Your Electricity Bill (Uk)

    By my very rough calculations, my 240l tank costs £90 a year in electricity. At the average 10% they state, it's £9 for my tank, so people with several tanks, large tanks and high energy set ups, it's a significant saving. Also saves on power used for all appliances in the house. I was just...
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    Save Money On Your Electricity Bill (Uk)

    I've recently bought one of these devices and it works brilliantly. Average save is about reportedly 10% per year, but my bill was 15% lower in power usage than the same period the previous year. The higher the bill, the more you save, so I assume this is of great interest to people with fish...
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    How To Run Cable From House To Pond?

    Thanks a lot for the help. I think I'll be able to extend the socket ring from near the wall to get outside without going through the plaster. Will require a big stick! lol Main problem is what to do in the garden side of things. Ideally I don't want to be digging up all of the garden, but was...
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    How To Run Cable From House To Pond?

    Thanks for the reply. I was intending on getting an rcd J-box if there is such a thing. I get what you mean about coming off the ring main, but I'm not sure how I can get that outside easily without putting holes in the plaster board. I assume you have to use armoured cable and bury it to a...
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    How To Run Cable From House To Pond?

    I'm thinking about building a pond, but wondered what you have to do to run the power from the house to the pond. From the house, there is a standard twin and earth wire coming out of the wall with a switch. This is for installing an outside light, but I'm hoping I could run down the wall with...
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    German Blue Ram

    Do we have petsmart in the uk? If you mean pets at home, then it varies from shop to shop. I've bought about half my fish from there, and not lost one! The LFS seem to be worse around here
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    My 60G Tank - Ideas?

    I wanted clown loach in a 4ft tank, but after researching, they are too big and a schooling fish, so don't go. Same with the Bala sharks. Barbs, angels, gouramis and cichlids are fine together, as long as the gouramis and cichlids aren't too big for the tank
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    How Many More Fish Should I Get?

    Tank looks good. Are those plants on the left with the white edges aquatic? They don't look like any I've seen before
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    All Pond Solutions 1000Ef

    My 1000EF is badly made, and is nothing like silent, it makes a right racket! I wouldn't advise it to somebody who was looking to upgrade to a better filter, but if your budget is <£50, you won't find anything better, or probably even at all.
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    Slave Cave

    Thanks. Need to sort the rest of the tank though. It looks better than that now, I have a background that covers the whole back. Removing the internal filter caused so much work!
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    God Have Plans For Each Species He Created.....

    Have they eaten it or is it just slowly dying off?
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    Slave Cave

    These are my home made slave ;) caves:
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    My Angels Have Started Lip Locking

    I assume tail slapping is fighting? My male ram has just started doing that to the female.
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    Does Anybody Live In/near North Wales?

    There's not a lot in North East Wales really. Jaydee is bad, lots of dead fish last time I was in there. Green Machine is far too expensive although they look healthy. If you're over towards the east, it's probably better going into cheshire and visiting the shops around there. Cheshire...
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    Stock Stock Stocking Away!

    I don't think it's big enough for 2 regardless of paired up or not. I'm not even sure it's big enough for a single ram tbh
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    Mixed Plant Box's

    The ones I got were all aquatic. Only got the swords in my pack though. It just gets expensive if you buy individual plants from shops
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    On Line Money Making Scams [Google]

    They won't pay you, they'll give you the 'tips' on how to make money off google etc. Waste of money and time. If it was that easy, then everyone would do it
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    Mixed Plant Box's

    How many plants are you after and what type? Places like lasttradingpost on ebay do packs with loads of plants for a LOT cheaper than that. You don't get a say in which plants, but they arrive in good quality. There's also a company advertised in PFK, don't know their name, but it lists the...
  21. C

    Is My Guppy Pregnant?

    I thought I could see one too! And it has a very fancy dorsal fin which I've only seen on males. Also the body colouring is very dark, and even the most colorful female I've had wasn't anywhere near that colour. Bigger and better pictures would help...
  22. C

    Is My Guppy Pregnant?

    That's a very pretty female guppy. I'd say it was male, but I'm obviously wrong! Putting her in a breeding tank will stress her out if she's in too long. Letting her stay free and trying to catch the fry and put them in the trap would be my choice
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    First Tank Juwel 125

    That's quite a bad stocking as people have said. Never listen to what a lfs says, money comes before the fish to those. Best bet is to go and have a look at what you like in the shop, come back and list what you want and then people will help you out with what is suitable and you can adapt the...
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    Aps Ef2000 Filter Spray Bar Problem

    Mine is nothing like silent. It sounds kind of like an airstone. I was going to pad out the cupboard with foam to quieten it down, but might contact them about it. I thought a £45 filter that is so highly recommended was too good to be true. Seems it is
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    Fairy Cichlid Stocking Ideas?

    I think they would be ok, never had any, but as long as they aren't too small to be eaten by the fairies, then they would be fine.
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    Vertical Vs Horizontal

    Not the best idea to have your hands in the tank whilst the heater is on. Very unlikely, but if there's a problem, you'd get an almighty shock
  27. C

    Aps Ef2000 Filter Spray Bar Problem

    Mine's exactly like yours is now, loose and everything, but it's never came out of it's own accord. I'm disappointed with the filter. It was highly recommended on here and has poor pipe work and is not at all quiet.
  28. C

    Fairy Cichlid Stocking Ideas?

    Lower the school to say 8, 10 max and I think 6 cories should be ok
  29. C

    Fairy Cichlid Stocking Ideas?

    Depends how big you're talking. Bulldog plecs only grow about 5 inches, not much bigger than the fairies. Many other small ones, look on the plec section and there's a list of small ones. Is it a sand substrate? Maybe cories?
  30. C

    Fairy Cichlid Stocking Ideas?

    I think it probably is too small for a group. How about: 2 Fairy Cichlid 10-15 of a schooling species (Harlequins Rasboras?) 1 Small plec 3 1m 2f honey gouramis
  31. C

    Stock Stock Stocking Away!

    Bolivian rams wouldn't go in something that small. I wouldn't even put a single one in. There's no guarantee they will pair up, and they can be quite aggressive to each other. A tank that size doesn't give much space for the weaker one to get away
  32. C

    All Pond Solutions Filters

    I recently bought a filter EF1000 from all pond solutions and don't really understand how it works. There isn't a tube to take the inlet water down to the bottom, which seems to me like the water at the bottom is stagnant and it's just pumping straight back in what came out withour filtering it...
  33. C

    Power Centre

    What's wrong with one of these? Can buy them at any superstore/wilko type shop. If you really only want one plug, you could even wire all of them together in one plug, although I wouldn't advise it, if the fuse...
  34. C

    Got Some Fish Finally

    When you say cycling, what do you mean? Letting the filter run for a while or adding a source of ammonia and monitoring the water stats? Zebra Danios tolerate cooler water than most tropical fish, however there is a crossover point, and you can keep most fish you would see in a typical lfs with...
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    Starting A New Tank

    I assume the tank comes with heater and filter? You can use the box containers from any superstore. I have one that cost about £3, it holds 30+ litres and do 2 buckets of this in a normal water change for a similar sized tank. You'd be better off getting the plants after the tank is cycled...
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    It grows to over 18" I think. I would call anything over 8" big for a 4ft tank. Honey Gouramis are supposedly more peaceful, although my male totally isn't. Think he's more an exception though. Get a pair of Honeys or 1m 2f, should be fine
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    Ahh, well they grow just as huge. What size is your tank? 4ft? 5ft?
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    Looks like a common pleco to me? They grow huge if it is He look like this?
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    In-Line Heater Has Broke

    Put a blanket over the tank, that should help keep in some of the heat.
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    I think that's fine, although I think there are too many different types of schooling fish. I'd take away one of your projected new tetra or barb schools, or even 2 and up the numbers of the others. I think they look much nicer in large groups. For bottom dwellers, how about a pair of Bolivian...