Bottom Dwellers


Nov 1, 2011
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swansea, wales
Are there any bottom dwellers I can put in my tank with green tiger barbs as I've got mid to top water fish but the bottom looks bare because all the fish stay up in the water
What size tank do you have? what's the substrate like?
Its a 130 litre tank with sand but I know I can't risk corys with the barbs which I'm pretty gutted about
I have a bristlenose pleco in with my tiger barbs and he's just fine.
I have thought about a small pleco but want something I can watch through the day like corys that sift through the sand or am I being a bit too picky lol
My little BN is out all the time. But then again, my husband has an older one that we rarely see!
Its a 130 litre tank with sand but I know I can't risk corys with the barbs which I'm pretty gutted about

Erm, who said you cant have corys with barbs ? They are tough little buggers, I've seen plenty of setups with both in.
you could go with a kribensis. mine constantly sifted the sand and actually did a pretty good job of keeping the bottom clean, but only stick with one of those. and you could get corys if you wanted theyre pretty tough.
I've currently got 6 green tiger barbs 4 black ruby barbs 2 cummings barbs 6 red eyes and 10 neons

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