On Line Money Making Scams [Google]

Dec 26, 2010
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Hi all,

Every time I go on the web, I always get a seperate tab open with a money making scam, or so I think.

Things like 'the home website center' or 'google pays $300 a day' rubbish!.
I've never been tempted by these because, as successful as they say they are and successful as you will be, they still want you to pay money up front to download their package so you can start EARNING MONEY!....Or so they claim!.

If they guarantee you WILL make money then why do they insist you pay in advance so you can make money.

If it does really work then why cant you pay them what you owe once you've got your first cheque off them? LOL

Anyone been successful with any of these schemes?
Can you say SCAM?

I agree but would the google ones be as they're not exactly a little business but a large multi billion dollar company.
Surely if they were involved in this SCAM then that would seriously damage their reputation and they would more than likely get sued x amount of times.
Not that the victims £60 an hour lawyer is gonna get one over a crackshot team of the worlds top lawyers that google probably have! lol

Can you say SCAM?

They won't pay you, they'll give you the 'tips' on how to make money off google etc. Waste of money and time. If it was that easy, then everyone would do it

That's what I thought! Luckily I ain't tried...................yet! lol!
They are Ads, they don't belong to google. Those that run those ads just pay to have them show up. Like I said you need an Ad-Blocker. Ads do nothing but make pages longer to load. No reason to put up with that.
They are Ads, they don't belong to google. Those that run those ads just pay to have them show up. Like I said you need an Ad-Blocker. Ads do nothing but make pages longer to load. No reason to put up with that.

Guess I better get them blocked then! As I wont be wasting my money signing up for one of these scams!

Just thought I'd check with you guys first. Would like to hear from someone that has actually tried this and been successful if possible!

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