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  1. J

    What Can We Put In It?

    maybe its a typo maybe mes meant heater....?
  2. J

    What Can We Put In It?

    whaaat! is this true? i'm not sure i can believe this... please explain why they wouldn't need a filter suggests very strongly that filters are needed
  3. J

    Could I Have These Fish?

    people often say that cichlids are unpredictable - what may seem like a peaceful fish may turn out to cause trouble in the tank but i wouldn't neccesarrily let this stop you. i don't see a problem with the rams and apistogammas - both being fairly tolerant but i know nothing about your...
  4. J

    Congo Puffer

    yup here he/she is
  5. J

    Congo -what Is He Doing?

    the congo is eating!! well it made my day anyway
  6. J

    Trilineatus Or Julii ?

    no way - that means i've got C. TRILINEATUS too! ah well they're still very cute
  7. J

    Why All The Comments About How Wrong Someone Does It?

    well said - it doesn't hurt anyone to be nice to people even if you have the upmost contempt for their setup / actions besides you never know when that person might turn around have that vital bit of knowledge that you really need - afterall no one knows everything
  8. J

    Heater Broken?

    if you notice your water temp is really dropping try doing a water change but use your thermometer to check that the water going in the is right temp or towards the upper end of what your fish can stand and then definately definately wrap (if possible) the tank in some towels to keep the heat in.
  9. J

    Drawf Puffer Fish - Not Eating Properly theres a link from this link which is REALLY helpful on tricks to get puffers to eat, hope you have more luck than i am.
  10. J

    Puffer this link is extremely helpful (and the links from it) on puffers
  11. J

    Congo Puffer Please Help

    sorry in my haste i didn't specify
  12. J

    Congo -what Is He Doing?

    nitrate isn't 0 sorry its a typo - its between 0 and 10 mg per litre (test only goes up in 10, 15 and 25 mg jumps so i cant be exact) if we were being very exact the nitrite is sitting just above 0 but not 0.1 - hard to tell as the resulting colour is only very very slightly off of clear so i...
  13. J

    Congo Puffer Please Help

    was that last bit a question? he's own his own now if it was. made a dash for a snail earlier but lost interest in it be fore eating it also made two dashes for a mussel earlier but again seemed to loose interest :no: c;mon puffer do me a favour - eat!!
  14. J

    Congo -what Is He Doing?

    he came from PaulMT and looks really healthy made a dash for a snail this morning but then seemed to loose interest - tried him with a mussel just now and he went for it twice but again seemed to loose interest its in the tank near him now but he's not eating it wish he would eat... i asked...
  15. J

    Acclimatising A Fish?

    fish are tougher than you think - after all they ship koi carp from japan on a plane in a small box with lots of other fish, okay they are sedated but they do survive. as long as you don't spend days aclimatising your fish a couple of hours in the bag won't cause it too much stress
  16. J

    Congo Puffer Please Help

    neither sypmtoms and oh yeah he has teeth - big ones! i bought him from paulMT who said i shouldn't worry and that he's just not settled in yet.... maybe i'm worrying over nothing
  17. J

    Congo Puffer Please Help

    my congo keep hiding his eyes by retracting them into his body - is this normal? he also keeps baring his teeth and looking like he's trying to dislodge something but i only got him yesterday and he's not actually eaten anything yet.... i'm pretty sure i heard him make a small noise whilst he...
  18. J

    Congo -what Is He Doing?

    my congo keep hiding his eyes by retracting them into his body - is this normal? he also keeps baring his teeth and looking like he's trying to dislodge something but i only got him yesterday and he's not actually eaten anything yet.... i'm pretty sure i heard him make a small noise whilst he...
  19. J

    Whitespot Med That's Safe From Amano Shrimp?

    it always says in the little book of info in the box whether it is invertebrate and plant safe so best thing to do is to check there and don't assume that because you bought treatment for x from brand a that brand a's treatment for y will also be safe for your tank as it varies between...
  20. J

    Me Fishless Cycle

    ahhhhh - i see, silly me- sorry!
  21. J

    Congo Puffer

    just thought i'd tell you i got a congo puffer today, of my very own (i've been kind of looking after one for a while but when he/she... it(?) went home i felt the need for a new one!) left him looking very sorry for himself earlier - i was dreading opening the door into the room he's in...
  22. J

    The Oddestball Tank Ever!

    neon gobi.... although they just seem to sit there - not really sure how interesting they would be
  23. J

    Aqua One Tanks

    erm its quite a bit taller not sure exactly but i do know that its 130 litres as opposed to the 620 which is 90. I think the t version looks quite cool... i have to say though if you want 300 litres why are you considering the 130 litre 620T...? sorry just re-read you post - i don't think that...
  24. J

    Me Fishless Cycle

    well cycle sounds normal... did you wash those stones? as for prawns well its up to you - you can take them out if you have somewhere else to keep them.. they should survive the cycling process but will be quite stressed but i suppose how high on your adgenda the prawns are... - i guess not...
  25. J

    Adding Live Plants

    yes - water is needed and substrate but not nec. anything else such as ornaments - probably best to do ornaments and plants at the same time so you can arrange them together
  26. J

    Baby Masked Corrie - Please Help

    great and i've already pulled him out with bare hands grrrrr he was from maidenhead aquatics at iver - normally they're really good better watch the rest of them very very carefully
  27. J

    Baby Masked Corrie - Please Help

    he does have a bunched spine - looks like an old man if you can imagine kind of hunched over he's also dead :(, back to the shop again? seems very strange that this should happen so quickly..
  28. J

    Beginner Wanting To Keep Cichlids

    sorry think this might be my fault - it is a typo!!
  29. J

    Baby Masked Corrie - Please Help

    i bought two baby masked corries the day beofre yesterday and they were both happily swimming around today one appears very thin he's almost transparent in comparison to his tank mate who is healthy and plump looking. he's hardly moving and not eating - what can i do? my ph is 8.5 ammonia 0...
  30. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    they claim to have had the cherry barbs for ages but what i think they mean is that they have been stockig them for ages - please to say got another 6 which i aclimatised over 4 hours (!!!) just to make sure and they are all happily swimming round my tank :) although one of the baby masked...
  31. J

    Baby Masked Corrie - Please Help

    i bought two new baby masked corries the day before yesterday and one of them now is very thin and almost transparent whereas the other looks healthy and plump. the poorly one appears very weak (barely swimming around and a lot of sitting still) and doesn't seem to be eating - what can i do? is...
  32. J

    Beginner Wanting To Keep Cichlids

    whaaaaat apistos are great! :D rams are nice but i've not had much luck with them bit confused wihich variation were you thinking of? and where are you someone might be able to suggest a good shop
  33. J

    Apistogramma Lifespan

    can anyone tell me what the lifespan of apistogramma trifasciata should be and settle a 'discussion' i'm havinf with a friend or does anyone know how long apistogrammas in general live?
  34. J

    Bored Of Setup...

    ok maybe shuffle your plants around if you move that big plant on the left back and pull what i think i can see to be smaller plants in front of and do the same on the right and taaa daaaa bigger tank! or at least it will appear so
  35. J

    Beginner Wanting To Keep Cichlids

    i do the apistogramma variation - works fine if you want to know more try the african cichlid people, but in my very limited knowledge - looks fine, i like the yellow lab variation infact i'm eyeing my emtpy 20 gallon tank now!
  36. J

    Noob Question On Community Tank Occupants

    i keep lepards and bandits in 8.5 if thats of any help maybe i had a particularly mean dwarf gourami but he bullied two rams to death so do becareful
  37. J

    High Ph

    becareful though because i went with that line of thought too and ended up killing some rams so it doesn't neccessarily mean that because they are in the tank in your local shop and they say they are hardy fish and have been bred in hard water etc etc that they will survive in your tank :( how...
  38. J

    Snails What Can I Do To Stop Them

    khulie loaches will only eat the small snails as they themselves are quite small - but i would definately not feed your fish for a day and cut back on the amount of food you give them daily, because you never know there maybe a snail eater among then them! i watched my male apistogramma munch a...
  39. J

    Noob Question On Community Tank Occupants

    okay - i'm getting a little out of my depth here but can tell you what i know you can change the ph in say a bucket before you add it using chemicals - i don't know how tricky this is to get right an RO (reverse osmosis) unit will make the water softer ie. more acidic but i'm not sure about...
  40. J

    Cherry Barbs Dying - Please Help!

    he didn't make it either, back to the fish shop i think not impressed i have to say