Beginner Wanting To Keep Cichlids

Matt Gleadow

Fish Fanatic
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi. I'm new to fish keeping. I've got a Jewul 96L tank.

I would like to keep Cichlids if possible as they have very interesting colours and shapes.

I found a site that has tank setup recommendations varying on the size of the tank you have.

For a tank that is similar to mine in size (mine is slightly bigger) this is the list of recommendations

Would any of those setups be a wise idea for my tank? Would just like to double check before I go ahead setting my tank up for Cichlids.

I'm just looking round for ideas at the moment so any suggestions are welcome. The only decent fish shop is 35 miles away from me so I will have to see what they can get in aswell before I set my heart on anything.

Like I say I'm new to fish keeping so please tell me if I am barking up the wrong tree entirely!
i do the apistogramma variation - works fine

if you want to know more try the african cichlid people, but in my very limited knowledge - looks fine, i like the yellow lab variation infact i'm eyeing my emtpy 20 gallon tank now!
That is one of the ones I was thinking of. But its getting hold of the fish thats going to be the problem
No way i would keep Kribs in a 20gall tank. Rams and Apistos if i really had to, but rather not.
whaaaaat apistos are great! :D

rams are nice but i've not had much luck with them

bit confused wihich variation were you thinking of? and where are you someone might be able to suggest a good shop
The yellow lab variation. I'm in South Cumbria, UK.

The only decent sized shop around here is in Penrith, North Lakes Aquatics. I know they sell cichlids, but not sure what sort. Need a trip up there sometime.
The yellow lab variation. I'm in South Cumbria, UK.

The only decent sized shop around here is in Penrith, North Lakes Aquatics. I know they sell cichlids, but not sure what sort. Need a trip up there sometime.

Can't find the yellow lab variation on that website. Anyway, surely yellow labs don't go in a 20 gallon tank?
Sorry meant this:

Julidochromis regani - 1 pair
Neolamprologus leleupi - 1 pair
'Lamprologus' occelatus - 1 trio

LFS probably cant get them anyway so will have to have a chat with them about what they can get
I don't know much of new world cichlids, but i have kept africans for a while..

I dont mean to contradict or shoot anyone down.. but i would advise against africans in anything smaller than a 30 gal..

The reason why is that you could probably pull it off with two juvies or one adult.. but cichlids need alot of room as they're extremely territorial (and what fun is one fish in a 20 gal?) So if u have even 2 adults in that space.. even with a lot of hiding places.. one is bound to get bullyed (spelling?) i know it seems farfetched.. but ask anyone whos kept africans.. and they'll tell you

Even with yellow labs who are said to be on the 'lower end' of the aggression scale attack other cichlids in they're territory (at least mine did)

In the end it all is up to you, as different cichlids have different temperments.. So you could try and hope you get lucky.. but 1 fish would be somewhat boring, and anything more than two and you're sure to have problems..
I don't know much of new world cichlids, but i have kept africans for a while..

I dont mean to contradict or shoot anyone down.. but i would advise against africans in anything smaller than a 30 gal..

The reason why is that you could probably pull it off with two juvies or one adult.. but cichlids need alot of room as they're extremely territorial (and what fun is one fish in a 20 gal?) So if u have even 2 adults in that space.. even with a lot of hiding places.. one is bound to get bullyed (spelling?) i know it seems farfetched.. but ask anyone whos kept africans.. and they'll tell you

Even with yellow labs who are said to be on the 'lower end' of the aggression scale attack other cichlids in they're territory (at least mine did)

In the end it all is up to you, as different cichlids have different temperments.. So you could try and hope you get lucky.. but 1 fish would be somewhat boring, and anything more than two and you're sure to have problems..

But I thought he was talking of shellies. That is surely a somewhat different kettle of fish. Lots of people keep shellies in small tanks. The yellow labs was just a typo, I think.

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