Baby Masked Corrie - Please Help


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2006
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i bought two baby masked corries the day beofre yesterday and they were both happily swimming around
today one appears very thin he's almost transparent in comparison to his tank mate who is healthy and plump looking.

he's hardly moving and not eating - what can i do?

my ph is 8.5
ammonia 0
nitrate and nitrite 0

what do you suggest i don't have a quarantine tank but i wondering if i should somehow separate him...
How thin is he, yes issolate him he's not right, does he have a bent spine.
Check the anus to see if its enlarged or red and inflamed.
Any other signs to go on.
Move to its own small tank, check for lumps inisde of body. This may be an intneral parasite. I would start off by feeding him some soft foods.
he does have a bunched spine - looks like an old man if you can imagine kind of hunched over

he's also dead :(, back to the shop again?
seems very strange that this should happen so quickly..
great and i've already pulled him out with bare hands


he was from maidenhead aquatics at iver - normally they're really good
better watch the rest of them very very carefully
To be honest i would end his suffering bless him, and add a anti internal bacteria med it might do nothing but it worth ago.
Sorry rest in peace bless him.

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