What Can We Put In It?


New Member
Sep 23, 2006
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Mum came home with a rather huge bowl today. Asked what fish she could put in it.... My reply NONE!

So she then told me she was going to buy goldfish for it :shout:

To keep her happy what can i put in it? White clouds? Anything else?

Filter isnt a problem as i have spares kicking arround, and lots of cycled media!

If its not suitable for anything it might have to fall off the table, oops :grr:

Thanks in advance! :)

They do need a filter!
Although they don't like strong currents because of their bodyshape and the fact they like to build bubble nests.
Uh no they don't. Bettas (fighting fish) come from a habitat where the water quality is bad. So bettas can survive happily and healthfully in something the size of a mayonaise jar-although you probably don't want to. And they, like corydoras and gouramis, have a special organ called a labyrinth (right?). Whatever it's called it allows the fish to take oxygen directly out of the atmosphere.

But goldfish, not a good idea. Goldfish require a lot of oxygen and they create an immense ammount of waste.

Besides generations of the pet strains are traditionally kept in tiny clay jars in Thailand anyways.

You can put in a substrate (I'd recomend colored rocks, the more vibrant the fish the more vibrant the rocks-the rocks also hide the fish poo) and you can even put in a small plant in the center of the substrate. All this can look very good on a decorative shelf or even as a centerpiece on the kitchen table

But just be sure he gets enough to eat without clouding the water and you should be good to go.

A Betta could live in a bowl, for a while, but not long term. I had one in a betta bowl several years ago, but my experience shows that they live much longer in a tank with a filter system.
Ok, now an experienced person who knows about cycling, ammonia, stocking etc will answer. Not someone who has a 15Gallon with every fish under the sun in it, including a gibbiceps plec!
Bettas can live in bowls that are a gallon or more, as in the wild they live in rice paddies, which are rather small. They do need filters or 100% weekly/15% daily water changes. You could also put in some shrimp, but make sure they can't get out, as they can and will jump. How much water can the bowl hold exactly? It looks like a very big one, if that's the case you could be open to more suggestions.

Bettas don't live in bad water quality and if kept in bad quality water it will have a detrimental effect.

Corydora don't have a laybrinth, they swallow air and utalise it in their gut I believe.

Without a filter your looking at about a water change every other day at least IMO. The filter won't need to be powerful as you can take out the waste easily every week, it just needs to be ok biologicaly, something like an air powered sponge filter would be ok, or small internal.
instead of putting goldfish in it can't she put a siamees fighting fish in it and they are prettier and they dont need a filter :D

Betta do require a filter and a heater......
depends how big the bowl is, how many g's would you think?

if your home temp is warm enough, then they don't need a heater but it is thoroughly recommended, about the filter, surely 100% water changes every half week or so wouldn't be too hard in a 2g bowl (I don't know how big it is though)
Fill it with sweets for christmas and buy her a proper tank if she really wants to keep some fish.

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