Congo Puffer Please Help


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2006
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my congo keep hiding his eyes by retracting them into his body - is this normal?

he also keeps baring his teeth and looking like he's trying to dislodge something but i only got him yesterday and he's not actually eaten anything yet....

i'm pretty sure i heard him make a small noise whilst he was baring his teeth...

what could be wrong?

i tried him with a mussel last night but no joy, i took it out this morning and added a prawn in its shell but he's still ignoring it. there are also some live river shrimp and snails in the tank which he's ignoring.

what can i do?

ph 8.5
ammonia, nitrate and nitrite 0
Strange, didn't no congo had teeth, is his mouth wide open as that a sign of something lodged in the mouth.
Check the gill area to see if they are pale with excess mucas, or red and inflamed.
neither sypmtoms

and oh yeah he has teeth - big ones!

i bought him from paulMT who said i shouldn't worry and that he's just not settled in yet....
maybe i'm worrying over nothing
Ok good luck, he is in a shoal of congo's.
was that last bit a question?

he's own his own now if it was.

made a dash for a snail earlier but lost interest in it be fore eating it
also made two dashes for a mussel earlier but again seemed to loose interest


c;mon puffer do me a favour - eat!!
I've replied to this thread in the oddballs section.

And wilder, it's a congo puffer, I think you might be confusing it with a congo tetra.
Sorry yes I thought it was a congo tetra.

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