Could I Have These Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
I am wondering whether i can have these fish.

I am looking to get a Apistogramma Panduro, some Aquatic Dwarf Frogs and a Female Siamese Fighting Fish.

Please can someone let me know whether i could have these fish?

Thanks :D :D
If you mean add them to the tank in your signature, then i personally think you shouldnt add any more Cichlids.
If you mean add them to the tank in your signature, then i personally think you shouldnt add any more Cichlids.

Thanks for the message, why can't i add more peaceful cichlids to my tank? i am only adding fairly peaceful cichlids, i wouldn't get ones that are quite aggressive.
people often say that cichlids are unpredictable - what may seem like a peaceful fish may turn out to cause trouble in the tank but i wouldn't neccesarrily let this stop you.

i don't see a problem with the rams and apistogammas - both being fairly tolerant but i know nothing about your cockatoos, rainbows or keyholes. i would post on the south american cichlid page about compatibilities. please bear in mind though that apistogrammas generally like to be kept at a 2 females to 1 male ratio so you could be looking at two if not three fish.

as for your tank size, you might be pushing the upper limit on stocking levels if you add all these new fish depending on your filter setup.
The Betta fish would be nipped at by your Gouramis. As for stocking I have no clue how man litres are in a gallon but the other fish are compatible.

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