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  1. D

    Filtration For .5 Gallon Bowl?

    Woof, that might be hard. :) My suggestion is to get a whisper 10i filter and use a sponge to adjust the flow and make your own bio bags. The compartment is large enough for your to construct your own. Make sure the flow isn't that much at all - Might stress your betta. Especially if he's sick.
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    This Is Not Possible!

    Start feeding immediately,.. If you don't have micro worms or BBS or BBS eggs, then crush up flakes or something as finely as you can. :) Someone more experienced shoudl be along to help.
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    Betta Compatibility

    Of course you will. Of course you wouldn't listen to advice if it doesn't go along with what you want. :rolleyes: Good luck. When you wake up to dead fish, remember that people advised you not to do it.
  4. D

    My Fake Photoshop Fish

    I hope for the sake of that fish that this is a joke. If not, you're a real jerk and I hope he bites your finger off when you try to feed him. :/ Edit: By the way, if this IS a joke, it's a pathetic attempt at shock humor and no one's biting.
  5. D

    This Is Not Possible!

    Sounds like a fluke. You're a betta grammy! Best get some jars ready. It's entirely possible for weird things like this to happen. :) Nature will find a way, yanno. :)
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    Food Thief

    Petco has great cups where I am. Much bigger than Petsmart. And the water is almost always clean. :) And psh. I dunno what the betta section would do without me. ;)
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    Food Thief

    Haha, the petsmart around here, the employees run away when they see me coming. I usually have a sick betta from their stock in hand, or something else to point out. I guess I annoy them :crazy:
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    LOL. Aye, if it gets warm enough they'll make some eggs together. Nothing to get too concerned about. :) It sounds cruel, but once the baby shrimp hatches, they're usually gobbled up by bettas... Quite quickly. One or two may survive though! And trust me, a 2.5 could handle it. Shrimp are...
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    Food Thief

    They should. :) Hikari makes them for algae eaters. Shrimp love them.
  10. D

    Betta Compatibility

    :shifty: Sorry, I can't help it.
  11. D

    Food Thief

    Scoop out your betta while you feed your shrimp? :) I have guppies that steal shrimp food.. Do you have sinking algae wafers? They're usually too big to get messed with, you might try that.
  12. D

    Betta Compatibility

    Then do the responsible thing and get another tank for your killi fish or don't get it at all. If you even suspect that it'll be a problem, why risk it?
  13. D

    Need Some Girls

    I really do not suggest breeding veiltails. And alot of people feel the same. The issues are quite simple - There is an overflow of veiltail bettas in petstores today, and adding an extra 100 - 400 to a petstore is going to result in alot of bettas dying in cups/jars, unless your petstore moves...
  14. D

    Betta Compatibility

    D:... How you haven't already had a massacre in your tank, OP, I don't know. My advice is to remove your male betta immediately before you wake up one day to carnage in your tank, but I'm sure you won't listen to that. Most people don't. :unsure: I don't suggest the killi - But I dunno if...
  15. D

    Tank Lid

    Yes, Petsmart and Petco sell lids alone. :) You have your choice of hoods (with lights) or glass lids, or mesh wire lids for critter keepers. Any of those will work to your preference. Glass lids are expensive, and don't give much oxygen flow... The Hood is even more expensive (18 bucks ish)...
  16. D


    Cutting the head off is not the best method. Not even the fastest method. The head stays alive for seconds after severence. Clove oil, however - Is suggested as a good method. Clove oil puts them down painlessly and quickly (It's an analgesic/anasthetic for fish). Another suggested method is...
  17. D

    Mushu And Yasha

    No problem. :) And yes, I have issues not buying all the bettas I see. Thank god for my Fiance or I'd be sleeping on a bed made of tanks.... LOL.
  18. D

    Omg! This Is All French To Me?!

    No problem. Neon Tetras are great community fish and go great with alot of other community freshwaters. :) The list is pretty endless, I would think. Keep them away from semi aggressive, or aggressives and ones that might eat your neon tetras (never mix goldfish with anything other than...
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    Mushu And Yasha

    Bad water conditions can cause rays to deform/malform/bend/break down, so it's entirely possible that's why his tail is odd looking. :) Beautiful new boys, congrats.
  20. D

    Omg! This Is All French To Me?!

    The first time I attempted to tackle the cycling idea, I was just as confused as you. :) Don't worry, it's natural. We are ALL dumb when we first start out, I know I was. LOL. I won't link you to websites because they confused the hell out of me when someone did that for me. I'll break it down...
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    Need Some Girls

    No problem. :)
  22. D

    Show Us Your Pink Boys!

    Appel.. :blush:
  23. D

    Please Say This Is A Halfmoon!

    Usually turns your water the color of diluted tea. :) Depends on how much you add.
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    Please Say This Is A Halfmoon!

    Yes, that's what I was referring to. Black water extract. :) Tetra is a good brand.
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    Please Say This Is A Halfmoon!

    :blush: My bad, got my odds and ends confused. Peat moss softens.
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    Please Say This Is A Halfmoon!

    Yep. Halfmoons are notoriously finicky about perfect water conditions. Most HMs become SDs due to hard or dirty water. An easy way to get your betta from SD to HM if he's SUPPOSED to HM is to add seashells or BWE/IAL to soften your water - Your bettas fins will flourish. :)
  27. D

    What Do You Use For Your Betta Tanks?

    A wonderful, cheap option is critter keepes. They're very cheap (I got a 3+ gallon for 10 bucks) and you can pop out the plastic mesh in some places to make room for wires, etc for heaters. They come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, (they are acrylic.. So they scratch) but they're totally...
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    If he's bloated all over and pineconing, and you aren't going to be there, he's going to die. Is there any way you can postpone your trip? You can try doing intense salt baths to draw the liquid out of his body, but.... Most dropsy ridden fish die.. If you can't stay to help him put him out of...
  29. D

    Need Some Girls

    Read this article - It discusses goldfish and their needs and touches on highly aggressive goldfish, etc etc. This one, too. :) "Myth: It is OK to keep fancy and single...
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    Need Some Girls

    :blink: Never said you didn't, hon. Not challenging your fish keeping practices here, just letting you know what they're classified as. And I did say semi aggressive, which means they'll only occasionally (and sometimes) eat other fish, or attack other goldies.
  31. D

    Need Some Girls

    Yep, they're semi aggressive. If you mix fancies and regulars, you'll get competition and nipping.. But in a situation like this, the goldfish will be so screwed from warm water (or the betta from cold) the tables could turn either way. The goldie could be so screwed up the betta would just eat...
  32. D

    Betta Tail Types

    That's called a combtail... It has the length and 'togetherness' that a veilteil would have with split rays at the ends of crowntails.. Combs have been developed into HM's called 'Half suns'... Very cool looking.
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    Need Some Girls :good:
  34. D

    Could Use Some Advice Plz

    The term boil was an.. Obvious exaggeration. :blink:
  35. D

    Need Some Girls

    They're too small. A gallon is the bare minimun for bettas, and the betta has no where to hide, the plant is a spiky plastic one that rips their fins, etc etc. Faith from BettaTalk charges immense amounts for her bettas that are low quality and from what I've heard, not what she advertises them...
  36. D

    Could Use Some Advice Plz

    I'm not trying to come down on you - But we all want our fish to be safe.. I would hate for your guppies to get older and their color to come through and one day your betta just goes nuts. I just wanted to warn you that one day, it will most likely be a problem. (It's one of those.. 1 in 10,000...
  37. D

    Could Use Some Advice Plz

    Neons might be fine.. But guppies - I dunno. Once they start showing some color, I'd pull them immediately before they become a snack.. It may be fine for a few weeks.. Or even a few months. But in the end, it will end badly. :unsure: Stang, as long as there is little to no current created...
  38. D

    Could Use Some Advice Plz

    As I said, I've heard of exceptions with soft currents, but I advise against it most of the time. What type of filter is it? Edit: Wait, what? You keep bettas and guppies together? :crazy: Uh.. That's really not a good idea. The bright colored fins of guppies can lead to slaughter with bettas....
  39. D

    Could Use Some Advice Plz

    What you're thinking of are the wild species of betta - In example, I know someone who keeps a betta mahachai tank. But unless you're speaking of specific wild species that can be kept in species tank, the answer is a firm, resounding NO. Do not, ever, under any circumstances keep male Betta...
  40. D

    Update On My Bettas

    Shells do leach minerals.. But they're good minerals. They make the water softer - A must have if you have high PH and halfmoons or Crowntails or SDs. :)