Need Some Girls

Yep, they're semi aggressive. If you mix fancies and regulars, you'll get competition and nipping.. But in a situation like this, the goldfish will be so screwed from warm water (or the betta from cold) the tables could turn either way. The goldie could be so screwed up the betta would just eat and rip at his fins, or the betta would be so lethargic from the cold water he'd be a treat for the goldie.

iv kept a mix of fancies and regulars the entire time iv kept goldfish with absolutly no problems ever. i already know about the whole tempurature dfference between tropicals and cold water fish like golds, and how it can effect the fish.

:blink: Never said you didn't, hon. Not challenging your fish keeping practices here, just letting you know what they're classified as. And I did say semi aggressive, which means they'll only occasionally (and sometimes) eat other fish, or attack other goldies.
where did you learn this bit of information??im not tryin to argue with you or anythin dibari im just sayin in my experience and in everything iv ever read or heard from anyone is that golds are not agressive in the slightest bit. how ever i will look into the temperment of them more. channing sorry for taking over your thread there.
I've heard that goldfish tend to pick on smaller fish and even kill them, but if they're the same size or bigger than the goldie they should be OK.
iv heard that too but still have yet to see it in my tank or in the my sisters friend has. maybe im just getting the more mellow fish.
iv heard that too but still have yet to see it in my tank or in the my sisters friend has. maybe im just getting the more mellow fish.

Read this article -

It discusses goldfish and their needs and touches on highly aggressive goldfish, etc etc.
This one, too. :)

"Myth: It is OK to keep fancy and single tail varieties together.
Reality: While it is usually safe to keep small, young single-tail goldfish with fancy varieties, it should never be a long-term situation. Fancy goldfish have delicate and often inhibited bodies, as well as very sensitive swim bladders, and can easily be injured by the faster, more aggressive commons and single-tails. Single-tail goldfish are also incompatible as they often require more space (such as a pond!) and lower temperature ranges."

"Myth: Goldfish are peaceful and make great (tropical) community fish!
Reality: It is true that goldfish make great community fish... if it is a community of their own species, and perhaps one or two other compatible species. However, goldfish are neither entirely peaceful nor great mixed-species community fish! There are a number of reasons for this. First of all, goldfish are massive waste producers, and can make other fish ill with their waste output. Secondly, this high waste demands massive filtration and aeration, which rules out many species that are ill suited for extreme currents. Thirdly, goldfish are a cold water species, and most commonly kept aquarium fish are tropicals; even fancies, who prefer slightly higher temps, are normally kept on the low end of the health and comfort range for tropical fish. Fourth, goldfish grow much larger than most community fish, even other cold water fish, and will eat anything that fits in their mouth... you do the math! Fifth, goldfish love to eat aquarium plants, yet many sensitive species do not thrive with plastic plants. Sixth, goldfish are known for nipping fins and aggressively head-ramming and body-slamming (especially singletail varieties); they can and will hurt more delicate fish if vying for food or in the mood the mate. Seventh, fancy goldfish often have swimming problems, protruding eyes, or other physical inhibitions and may be picked on by swifter, more aggressive tank mates. Eighth, goldfish are gluttons and will not eat just their food, but everyone else in the aquarium's too! Ninth, goldfish are hosts to many internal parasites that do not affect them, but can be deadly to more sensitive species (ie. flukes). Tenth... well, you get the picture!"

I promise I wasn't lyin to ya. Lol. :) They're a member of the carp species, who are semi aggressive in their own right. They can bully and eat other membes of their own species out of territorial aggression.
channing sorry for taking over your thread there.
thats okay i think its kinda funny. my tank is not heated cause it stays round 75f . i have yet to have any bullying from either side plus they all seem to like each other we joke that their in "love". when my moor gets bigger he'll go in a bigger tank but it works just fine for now. so im gonnaz leave it sorry it that makes any body mad but it's my tank and i like it. i wish you could see everybody playing in the bubbles super funny
im wondering if i should breed some of the ones i have at home frist keep any that make it and see if i really want to keep doing it after that. though it would be nice i highly dought that im gonna have a hundred babies ill probaly be lucky if i get ten.
any thoughts before i kill my wallet
im wondering if i should breed some of the ones i have at home frist keep any that make it and see if i really want to keep doing it after that. though it would be nice i highly dought that im gonna have a hundred babies ill probaly be lucky if i get ten.
any thoughts before i kill my wallet

i defenetly dont recomend breeding them you may not think you will get many and you very well might not on your first try but there are times when the best of breeders get only 8 out of hundreds to live and then again there are people who know hardly anything about breeding that have almost every single one live. my first attempt i had 5 live, then 2 died of a fungus(1 male and 2 females remain), on my second attempt iv only got 1, and on my most recent attempt iv got a minimum of 20 that are stll growing rapidly. another thing to consider is what type do you have(is it super common or less common in your area)???.... do you hae people and shope that will take them when they are grown up??? do you have enough space and time to properly care for them all??(keep in mind thy will need live foods daily for quite some time)
i like i said i cant do it now. i don't have the room for around a year. but as for getting rid of them not a prob. i work at a lfs and the bosses will let us bring our fish in plus if their good ones they'll pay us for them. i'm thinking of breeding a pair of veiltails first they sell a whole lot faster around here then any thing else does. which is weird but oh well. i just getting ideas as to setting up my fish room and gentics plus im setting up my website. im wondering and please no one kill me for asking this but how nutritious r guppy babies. i could set up a pretty ten gallon full of them then when they breed collect the fry and feed to adult bettas instead of baby brine shrimp. it seems kinda weird to me that you should feed freshwater fish shrimp. won't it make more sense to feed them something not so salty. any body have any thoughts on that. i have a system for doing that all set up in my head. also what about culling. any thoughts?
i like i said i cant do it now. i don't have the room for around a year. but as for getting rid of them not a prob. i work at a lfs and the bosses will let us bring our fish in plus if their good ones they'll pay us for them. i'm thinking of breeding a pair of veiltails first they sell a whole lot faster around here then any thing else does. which is weird but oh well. i just getting ideas as to setting up my fish room and gentics plus im setting up my website. im wondering and please no one kill me for asking this but how nutritious r guppy babies. i could set up a pretty ten gallon full of them then when they breed collect the fry and feed to adult bettas instead of baby brine shrimp. it seems kinda weird to me that you should feed freshwater fish shrimp. won't it make more sense to feed them something not so salty. any body have any thoughts on that. i have a system for doing that all set up in my head. also what about culling. any thoughts?

I really do not suggest breeding veiltails. And alot of people feel the same. The issues are quite simple - There is an overflow of veiltail bettas in petstores today, and adding an extra 100 - 400 to a petstore is going to result in alot of bettas dying in cups/jars, unless your petstore moves 100 bettas out a day.
Betta breeders suggest breeding something a tad better like.. Crowntails - That would be okay. But veiltails just isn't a good tail variety to breed. Do you know how to control egg drops? If not, I doubly suggest not breeding veil tails.
Culling is a cruel practice, IMO, where you remove fry and get rid of them somehow - Down the drain, using other fish, etc etc.
Controlling egg drop is a much better practice.
Do you have a 10 gallon where you can breed them in? Do you have the hundreds of jars necessary to house fry, or the knowledge of how to stop your female betta from dropping hundreds of eggs when you want her to stop? Do you have a way you can be absolutely sure that when you put ALL of those veil tail fry among the fish store fry, that they will be bought and taken to a good home?
If not - It's an irresponsible move and I advise against it.
Again, sorry if I'm being harsh, but I would hate to see even more dying bettas added to the list of the other 40 or so dying bettas in cups at a pet store.
We all complain about Walmart/Petsmart/Petco or LFS where we see so many sick, fungusy, SBD ridden fish.. Why would you want to add to that?
Wait untill you get something like HMs, SDs, Crowntails - Anything but veils. :/
i have 3 ten gallons for grow out tanks and a 20g for the mommys. im thinking of turning my 29g into a saltwater if i don't then it to will go to the cause.
Never heard of controlled egg drops where can i get info on it?

As to the store no cups for us. we have a betta wall with three selves. Everybody gets their own one gallon fish tank. take that walmart. :p no veils not a prob i have crowntails too. i have yet to get any females. no one around here sells anything other then veil females. so i'll have to get something different. also im gonna get more tanks (i love goodwill) and im slowly getting jars.

there is some very nice farmer swaps in my area (im talking everything from goats to swords and who knows what else) so i wondering if i can provide a tank plus plant, rock, fish care sheet etc... if i could sell them there to. any suggestions?

i really want to get some nice fish to bred but the shipping fees are out of this world. anybody know of anyone that has nice fish that is not going to kill my wallet?
i really want to get some nice fish to bred but the shipping fees are out of this world. anybody know of anyone that has nice fish that is not going to kill my wallet?

shipping is alot no matter what that is alot unless you live close enough to a breeder that will let you pick your fish up. thats why when i do buy fish online i try to get atleast 2 or 3, and possibly afew other things with that order. that makes paying the 25 or however much it would be for shipping works out to be a little more worth it.
shipping is alot no matter what that is alot unless you live close enough to a breeder that will let you pick your fish up. thats why when i do buy fish online i try to get atleast 2 or 3, and possibly afew other things with that order. that makes paying the 25 or however much it would be for shipping works out to be a little more worth it.

good idea.

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