Update On My Bettas


Fish Fanatic
May 20, 2007
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Hi guys. I have some updates on my bettas....

I was going to buy their new tanks yesterday but I realised the price was VERY expensive so I decided to wait until the weekend or during next week to get the new tanks. Moving on....

I cleaned their bowls today. I cleaned their bowls and decorations, and so they could have a little more fun....I put a plant inside along with a seashell. They really like their new surrounding. :hyper:

Tomorrow (Friday) I am going to fast them. No food for them tomorrow. You're supposed to fast them once a week, right? Just making sure! :lol:

I stuck my finger inside Toby's bowl to see what he would do, and he literally bit me! I was like, "Ah!" as I wasn't expecting it. :p Silly me....I should have known it was coming. I guess Toby thought he was being fed. The bite didn't really hurt, it just felt pretty weird.

Sushi made a big bubblenest yesterday (to bad I washed ti away) and Toby made a small one. It was Sushi's second bubblenest, and Toby's third.....they make bubblenests so quickly! :D

Pictures coming soon to a fish forum near you.
I actually only feed my fish every other day, but one day a week fast is generally the best. and a pea or other veg now and then too
Glad to hear they're getting new tanks! :D There are lots of inexpensive ways to house bettas though. You can use tupperware containers, or, if you'd prefer something clearer, kritter keepers work *awesomely*. Medium-sized ones holy about 2.5 gallons, and the lid ensures that they won't jump.
yeah and they are also fairly cheap.Though they are plastic and don't look great.Its whats inside that counts :shout: :good:
Bettagirl... that's great to hear!! I'm not sure if you have a store like Petsmart near you... but they have pretty inexpensive tanks (that are as large as a 2 gallon or even bigger - they look like those betta starter-kit tanks only larger.) You don't have to get anything filtered... but a 2 - 2.5 gallon would be great for your bettas!

Good going! Your bettas will be so happy!! :good:

Just noticed you said you added a shell... make sure it was cleaned very well... I've heard that they have certain minerals that can leach out into the water and affect it. Also make sure there are no sharp edges on it - as that can cut your betta pretty badly. Shells are notorious for having sharp edges.
Shells increase the ph I use one in my filter of my 29 gallon tank to bring up the ph for the fish I have. It leaches slowly and is natural that is why I did it. I don't have to worry about a ph spike. I have tried the liquid and powder products, the shell seems to work better. If you see any fin splits take out the shell.
Bettagirl... that's great to hear!! I'm not sure if you have a store like Petsmart near you... but they have pretty inexpensive tanks (that are as large as a 2 gallon or even bigger - they look like those betta starter-kit tanks only larger.) You don't have to get anything filtered... but a 2 - 2.5 gallon would be great for your bettas!

Good going! Your bettas will be so happy!! :good:

Just noticed you said you added a shell... make sure it was cleaned very well... I've heard that they have certain minerals that can leach out into the water and affect it. Also make sure there are no sharp edges on it - as that can cut your betta pretty badly. Shells are notorious for having sharp edges.

Shells do leach minerals.. But they're good minerals. They make the water softer - A must have if you have high PH and halfmoons or Crowntails or SDs. :)

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