Betta Compatibility

HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAY!!! Yeah, a betta will terrorize the poor thing. If you really want a betta, I'd suggest at least a 2 gallon tank for him. They don't do well in communities in my experience. I had one of mine in with a few cories, a shrimp and two minnow. I'm down to one minnow and no shrimp and I bought two tetras to keep me from putting another betta in that tank ever again.
Well if u see my sig thats my tank... My betta is alrdy there and very friendly. he doesnt attack anything with long fins in my tank such as the long finned skirt tetras and especialy my lyretail swordtail (lots of flowing fins). Golden killis arent that colorful also. so im thinking they would do ok, only thing that worries me is that the shape of a killi is liek a female betta shape i think.
You see, all of my bettas are Norman Bates reincarnated as a fish. Tatsu kills everything that moves and Jiaolong tried to eat the floating lilly pad made of silk. So I can't put any of mine in a community.
lol. Would you think mine would do well with a killi though?
Probably, if he doesn't take out your platies, he'd be cool with killi's. IMO platies look like female bettas just a bit.
D:... How you haven't already had a massacre in your tank, OP, I don't know.
My advice is to remove your male betta immediately before you wake up one day to carnage in your tank, but I'm sure you won't listen to that. Most people don't. :unsure:
I don't suggest the killi - But I dunno if you'll listen to me on that either.
If you care any a whit about your fish, you'd remove your male betta before things turn nasty, IMO..
I know I wouldn't risk all of my fish being slaughtered just because I didn't want to go get another tank for my betta, or I thought they looked cool together. :crazy:
I hope I wasn't too harsh about this, but I guess I just can't stress enough that bettas just aren't community fish (99% of the time).
Im not taking betta out... It all depends on personality, mine is just too gentle. Had him for 2 years never chased anything with big fins. He is getting very old also, he now lays on bottom of tank cause hes lazy but when i come in room he knows food is coming so he swim to the top. I also think ive heard they eat snails and shrimp but i have both of those, my snail is only 1 cm, and he dont bother them.
Im not taking betta out... It all depends on personality, mine is just too gentle. Had him for 2 years never chased anything with big fins. He is getting very old also, he now lays on bottom of tank cause hes lazy but when i come in room he knows food is coming so he swim to the top. I also think ive heard they eat snails and shrimp but i have both of those, my snail is only 1 cm, and he dont bother them.

If he's so gentle, why do you even need to ask if he will attack the golden?

Shouldn't you know he won't?
its just that... a killifish looks like a female betta to me so im thinking that it might look like a female to my betta and attack it thinking its a female betta.
its just that... a killifish looks like a female betta to me so im thinking that it might look like a female to my betta and attack it thinking its a female betta.

Then do the responsible thing and get another tank for your killi fish or don't get it at all. If you even suspect that it'll be a problem, why risk it?
its just that... a killifish looks like a female betta to me so im thinking that it might look like a female to my betta and attack it thinking its a female betta.

Then do the responsible thing and get another tank for your killi fish or don't get it at all. If you even suspect that it'll be a problem, why risk it?

There you go posting before I can again :rolleyes:

Jk ;)

I was going to say the same thing
its just that... a killifish looks like a female betta to me so im thinking that it might look like a female to my betta and attack it thinking its a female betta.

Then do the responsible thing and get another tank for your killi fish or don't get it at all. If you even suspect that it'll be a problem, why risk it?

There you go posting before I can again :rolleyes:

Jk ;)

I was going to say the same thing

:shifty: Sorry, I can't help it.
I think i will go buy one. My betta is gentle and look at this...

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