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  1. D

    Hey Is This A Girl?

    Such mistakes are not uncommon.. Fish stores, even local ones, are not the end all be all of fish care, or even sexing fish, for that matter, as they often sell male plakats as females, or short finned male VTs as females.. Sorry for stepping on your toes I guess. - Trying to prevent disaster...
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    Hey Is This A Girl?

    Woof three months. That's amazing. Well.. I still am 99 percent sure that's a male betta.. So my suggestion has already been posted, and I hope all goes well for you and your bettas.
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    Hey Is This A Girl?

    Nope.. He has not only a long tail, but long dorsal, ventrils, and anal fins, and I see no ovipositor or even the round tummy that females sometimes get. HIs shape and fins and no ovipositor screams male to me.. Remove him, IMO, and get two more females for your community. I worry about you only...
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    Hey Is This A Girl?

    Nope. Not a girl. :blink:
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    Think Blaze Has Swimbladder Problems

    Using epsom salt is usually done for the purpose of drawing out fluids (in the case of dropsy and bloating, etc), but it can be dangerous if you use it in high enough levels to treat, and do it in their tank without changing the water. If you want to try this idea (it might help, it might not...
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    Good Fish

    To be fair, they are a very aggressive species, so putting them in a community is sort of a 'If I can manage' not a 'I'll only get one if i can fit it into a community'.. Why not get a small tank for your betta, where he can be alone, and get a community where you can get a few clown loaches and...
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    Undecided About Sex Of New Girl (again)

    Females have been known to flare, have long ventrils, etc.. This is a confusing case, considering the ovipositor.. If he's young, it could just be his rectum sticking out.. But, due to the body shape and all that.. I'm going to put in my bid for female. I could be wrong, though. :) In light of...
  8. D

    African Dwarf Frogs...

    ADF's get no bigger than an inch. Though I think I should warn you, some petshops will try and sell you 'Albino Dwarf Frogs'. They are NOT ADFs! They're ACFs, and will grow HUGE. Lol. ADFs prefer completely still water, so if you have a filter, I don't reccomend them. Make sure you're not...
  9. D

    Can You Make A Community Of Male Bettas ?

    I agree with you. They would become like guppies if they weren't so firey and territorial. I dunno if I would love my girlies as much if they didn't peck and bite at my arm when I changed their water. :unsure: That's just me, though.
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    Good Fish

    Huge no to the gourami. No no no. Lol. Okay, now that that is out of the way, clown loaches get to be HUGE. Did you know they can max out at 16 inches? You would have to have one big ass aquarium (pardon my french), 75 gallons minimum, and they do like alot of filter and water current, so IMO...
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    Post Pics Of Our Bettas Here!

    Maxsmom, he has the color scheme, but his spots, as has been suggested, seem to be more marble than spots to me. :) So you would have a pink and red marble/orange red marble, etc. Beautiful babies!
  12. D

    Think Blaze Has Swimbladder Problems

    Might be best so he doesn't have to struggle as hard to breathe surface area alone. :)
  13. D

    Think Blaze Has Swimbladder Problems

    That website is right, that's the path to take right now. Get him in a low amount of water so he can breathe when he needs to, and he won't have to struggle to the surface. SBD can be caused by so many reasons, using the fast and pea method can rule out constipation and bloating leading to it...
  14. D

    What Tankmates Should I Get For A Male Betta In A 10gal?

    In situations of cory cats, it's reccomended they have atleast 6 members to a group, and your tank isn't really big enough for that. :) I also don't suggest ADFs as they are indeed still water creatures (I wouldn't dream of keeping them in a high current situation.) It's late and I'm brain dead...
  15. D

    Won't Eat Anything But Fd Brine Shrimp

    Till he starts eating again. Should only be a few days untill he gives up. Lol. :)
  16. D

    Won't Eat Anything But Fd Brine Shrimp

    Fast him. :) Fast him untill he eats his normal staple again, and then go back to giving it to ihm only as a treat. He'll be fine, and he'll get over his snooty taste in food when he's hungry. Lol.
  17. D

    Feeding (bloodworms)

    Don't put your bettas on bloodworms only. :) It'll cause malnutrition and constipation, and could lead to SBD. Bettas like variety - I know mine love Hikari Bio Gold pellets. :)
  18. D

    Can You Make A Community Of Male Bettas ?

    Sorry. :blush: You're right. I'm done. I've made my point.
  19. D

    Can You Make A Community Of Male Bettas ?

    Mmkay. So it would be okay for your domesticated dog to go back to nature, because we don't 'own' them? Even though it wouldn't survive in nature, oh.. Being.. Domesticated and all? You have a responsibility to take care of the animals you bought. They didnt' waltz into your house out of nature...
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    Can You Make A Community Of Male Bettas ?

    I never said I liked that either.. what led you to believe that I condone the process of culling?
  21. D

    Can You Make A Community Of Male Bettas ?

    .. I'm sorry? What on earth does this mean? And even so, if you want to make that comparison, is it OKAY for bullies to kill kids in school, simply because it's "Human" nature, and is therefor comparable to 'Betta' nature? How does this comparison make sense? It doesn't. Humans aren't bettas...
  22. D

    Can You Make A Community Of Male Bettas ?

    I don't think it's a fair comparison since you just said if 10 fish die, it's okay. Bullies don't kill kids in school. They just emotionally scar and take your lunch money. Domesticated bettas are ALOT more aggressive than wild bettas.. We all know that.. They were bred that way. . And in...
  23. D

    Barely Starting Off On Bettas?

    How many eggs they have is really up to you. Alot of people cull ( I could never) but a good way to regulate eggs is to stop her from wrapping him again and again. They do spawn several times. If you let them just go and go, ideally they can lay somewhere about several hundred to a thousand...
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    Barely Starting Off On Bettas?

    No problem at all! If you have any questions, just ask. :good:
  25. D

    Male/female Bettas? Quicky

    Ah, so she does need to remove the gourami? I don't know too much about them, so I wasn't sure. :) Thanks for posting, Jollysue.
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    Barely Starting Off On Bettas?

    Welcome to bettas. :) While I reccomend getting to know bettas a bit more before jumping on the breeding bandwagon, I shall be the first to welcome you to the betta addiction! Some basics about bettas - Bettas are abantanoids - They breathe surface oxygen using lungs. They're labyrinth fish (so...
  27. D

    Post Pics Of Our Bettas Here!

    Appel, my Orange Dalmation VT Diablo, my fiance's dark red VT. Hades, my gorgeous gorgeous Green MG Combtail. A bad picture of my White Opaque Cowntrail - Smokey. Odette - Red green veiltail female. Opehlia - My purple, brown eyed VT female.
  28. D

    Male/female Bettas? Quicky

    Make sure the you seperate the ones that are males, and get more females (2 females definitely will not work..) My advice is to seperate them untill you can go splurge and get some more girls for your tank. :)
  29. D

    Male/female Bettas? Quicky

    Now that I think of it, removing the gourami might not be necessary, just the bettas. But at any rate, I wish you luck with your females. I hope it gets storted out quickly and you set up a nice sorority.
  30. D

    Can You Make A Community Of Male Bettas ?

    How long has he had this tank setup? I admit I'm impressed that there hasn't been any fighting.. But I wonder how long it will last?
  31. D

    Can You Make A Community Of Male Bettas ?

    I'm not a believer.. I don't think it's possible or advisable unless it's a species tank that can already do that..
  32. D

    Male/female Bettas? Quicky

    Yes, sometimes they can go a week, or two weeks, or even a few months without disaster, but it won't last.. Thank you for considering my advice and trying to change the situation. I would be so sad for you if you lost some of your fish due to to the situation. :(
  33. D

    100 Dollar Betta

    Ah, I thought there might have been such an issue with them. :) In that case, it's probably best that they're so hard to breed. Would hate to create more bettas that would suffer in high light situations. I knew Synirr had one, but i never knew the outcome. Thanks for posting!
  34. D

    Male/female Bettas? Quicky

    Oh boy. :unsure: I hate to break this to you, and I'll try to do it in a way that won't be too rude, but that is an extremely dangerous set up. Not only do you not have enough females (4 is the bare bare minimum, and sometimes it doesn't work.. 6 is better for a sorority) it is also not...
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    100 Dollar Betta

    Seeing as it's an albino, I imagine that it is indeed worth that price... I'm glad that it is that price, personally, because only a breeder would really want and be able to afford that price, and hopefully (if albinoism doesn't harm the betta.. Not sure, it may cause blindness, but I may be...
  36. D

    Male/female Bettas? Quicky

    It's entirely possible that you have a PK male in your tank.. However, females do and will fight, flare, blow bubble nests, etc.. However, I suppose I am a little worried... How many female bettas do you have in this 'community' tank and what other fish are in their with them? Also, don't rely...
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    Our Betta Gill

    I agree, 100%. That corydoras definitely not only needs atleast 3 more companions (that's the bare minimum), 5 more would be best, they also prefer sand bottom tanks, as gravel can hurt their fine whiskers, and make it difficult for them to feed.. I would remove the betta, and try to set it up...
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    Keeping Male And Feale Together

  39. D

    Clean-up Crew?

    I dunno if Nerites are A sexual, or not, but Apple Snails come in a gorgeous variety of colors and have to breed to have more snails.
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    Clean-up Crew?

    Ghost shrimp are the only one's that would even be conceivable tank mates, and they too, will scavenge off small fish, so be careful. Atleast, I'm pretty sure they will.. Anyone have any input?