Can You Make A Community Of Male Bettas ?

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I think with a large enough tank, som places for territory and maybe starting to adapt the fish to their wild roots, it's possible. Maybe putting it a co-ed kind of situation. Maybe 3-4 females per male?

I always beleive anything is possible, you jsut need someone with an idea and the peanuts to actually put it together and do it.
Hi Cracker not sure being siblings would make a difference once they discover their male machismo in the tank, I have non siblings of both sexes in my grow out tanks and they get on well enough till they are around 3/4 months old I start to fragged fins and then have to move them out. Surely you have experienced this yourself being the guru of betta breeders on the forum :good:
I'm not a believer.. I don't think it's possible or advisable unless it's a species tank that can already do that..
i believe you can with Imbellis, they will co-habit
Let me share this to you (My friend did it with a 15 gallon tank with no plants or anything)

Community of HMPKs, Trad Pks, and Cts boys and girls




ive done it,On accident lol.I brought a male and 2 females and put them in a 2ft tank comunity.One fo the females turned out to be male so i had 2 males and 1 female.The mlae vt had his fins ripped but by the angelfish which i took back.
How long has he had this tank setup? I admit I'm impressed that there hasn't been any fighting.. But I wonder how long it will last?
Craker, if you already knew someone thta did it... you jsut wanted ot see peopel react :p.

Personally I think that anyhtign can b done, you jsut need peopel to sometiems think outside the box and realize fishkeeping like anyhting else isn't about black or white, but a HUGE grey area where every individual fish or scenerio is examined carefully.

Keep us updated on how this turns out Cracker. I'm interested in this success story. You keep further pushign the envelope of "proper" fishkeeping by proving that nothing can be set in stone! You go Cracker! :good:
Craker, if you already knew someone thta did it... you jsut wanted ot see peopel react :p .

haha, it was pretty obvious from the title and OP that he was starting something. :shifty: Anyway, I was waiting for the catch Cracker... so more details about the setup please... not that I would try though; I'd be too scared.
There is a thread in the data base of someone's experiment. The fish are pretty nipped up and tattered looking.

I think the key, like with any aggressive fish, is to keep the tank very densely populated to spred the aggression. Nevertheless, I am inclined to think that there will be lots of manuevering for dominance. And if there is a super aggressive boy he will spend all his time chasing and nipping.

Of course this is theorizing based on experience, past advice, and observation of aggressive fish.
sigh... this is not a good idea at all. it purly is a bad idea. it might work for a little while but once they see each other they are likly to atack each other, and if you don't seperant them kill each other. i can understand do it on accident but on purpuss? thats stupid. if they are sibleings they will get along for a while... but i really think a perfesional should try this out beefore any of us do. but again it's all depending on the endigual fish's temperment.
It's a nice idea but not something I'd ever try, regardless of tank size. To be honest, Bettas are such beautiful fish, you don't need anything else in the tank with them. I'll stick to keeping my boys divided!
I think he wanted to see other people's view points on this... I would never tried it, but maybe, just maybe it could work with lots of plants, a huge tank, and enough bettas to spread out the agression, and of course lots of monitoring... although it would be hard to make it work...
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