Think Blaze Has Swimbladder Problems


Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
Well yesterday was my birthday so i didn't spend any time checking over my fish as i usually do and boy do i regret that now, i went upstairs to have a little check on them before bed and as i walked through the door my heart stopped, i could see Blaze floating at the top of the tank on his side not moving i thought he was dead, then i was just about to remove him from the tank and off he swam.
He made it though the night so what can i do to help him, i really can't bare the thought of loosing him after 3 months. i have a spare 2.5 i can move him too in case its something to do with his water, on a few sites on google it said remove the fish to a seperate tank with only a few inch of water, fast it for 3/7 days and feed peas, i know there is not a cure for it but apparently that really helps and has a high success rate for getting them upright again so i might give it a try depending on what you guys think. i have some methylene blue so should i add that incase its disease thats causing it?

here he was on thursday before water change:

i know that he is more than likely an old guy because of his size but i really can't let him go so soon, so any help will be appresiated :good:

Thanks Lilfishie
Well yesterday was my birthday so i didn't spend any time checking over my fish as i usually do and boy do i regret that now, i went upstairs to have a little check on them before bed and as i walked through the door my heart stopped, i could see Blaze floating at the top of the tank on his side not moving i thought he was dead, then i was just about to remove him from the tank and off he swam.
He made it though the night so what can i do to help him, i really can't bare the thought of loosing him after 3 months. i have a spare 2.5 i can move him too in case its something to do with his water, on a few sites on google it said remove the fish to a seperate tank with only a few inch of water, fast it for 3/7 days and feed peas, i know there is not a cure for it but apparently that really helps and has a high success rate for getting them upright again so i might give it a try depending on what you guys think. i have some methylene blue so should i add that incase its disease thats causing it?

here he was on thursday before water change:

i know that he is more than likely an old guy because of his size but i really can't let him go so soon, so any help will be appresiated :good:

Thanks Lilfishie

That website is right, that's the path to take right now.
Get him in a low amount of water so he can breathe when he needs to, and he won't have to struggle to the surface.
SBD can be caused by so many reasons, using the fast and pea method can rule out constipation and bloating leading to it.
But it could be he's suffering SBD due to bacterial, parasitical, or even injury related reasons. Hopefully we can narrow it down after you try the starve and pea method. :)
Thanks for the reply, will take that route then, i have an air bubbler thingy not an air stone but just the tubing and power supply, should i put that in for extra oxygen?
Thanks for the reply, will take that route then, i have an air bubbler thingy not an air stone but just the tubing and power supply, should i put that in for extra oxygen?

Might be best so he doesn't have to struggle as hard to breathe surface area alone. :)
he seems to have purked up a little, swimming around a little more not loosing his balance so easy in the shallow water, will fast him for a few days then try him on peas, his breathing is back to normal rate thanks to the pump in there, the aireator didn't work so i used my small elite filter on its lowest setting with his plant there to block the flow.

Thanks for your help Dibari :good:
This has happened to me on occasion. I don't freak out anymore, although it use to be heart stopping. I just have to sort of laugh and say "aww poor baby" while border line freaking out inside! lol, but anyway I always use 1tsp (for a 2.5 gallon) of epsom salt. Just sprinkle it in and it's always worked for me, within a few hours. I do it the night before and the next day they are happier than normal and totally fine, no odd behaviors at all. I would definately suggest it b/c it's better (imo) than moving them around, causing stress, and just fasting them. I suggest fasting and the peas on top of this but the epsom salt has never failed for me!
This has happened to me on occasion. I don't freak out anymore, although it use to be heart stopping. I just have to sort of laugh and say "aww poor baby" while border line freaking out inside! lol, but anyway I always use 1tsp (for a 2.5 gallon) of epsom salt. Just sprinkle it in and it's always worked for me, within a few hours. I do it the night before and the next day they are happier than normal and totally fine, no odd behaviors at all. I would definately suggest it b/c it's better (imo) than moving them around, causing stress, and just fasting them. I suggest fasting and the peas on top of this but the epsom salt has never failed for me!

Using epsom salt is usually done for the purpose of drawing out fluids (in the case of dropsy and bloating, etc), but it can be dangerous if you use it in high enough levels to treat, and do it in their tank without changing the water. If you want to try this idea (it might help, it might not.. Depends on what's causing his swim bladder issues) do it in a smaller, hospital container, because epsom salt baths stress bettas out alot. :) A good suggestion, though.
well yesterday he lost all his energy and was just floating so i decided to try the pea to give him a chance, took him a while but he did eat it and today he seems much more active and in control and is not floating around as much, so me thinks it ws to do with constipation, will give him a few more days in that tank with more peas then if he continues to make progress i'll either fill that tank up for him or move him back to his tank. thanks for all the help will post any updates :good:
Oh! Sweet little Blazey! I'm glad to hear that he's already improving. Keep us informed as things progress, okay? I'll be keeping him in my thoughts!
yep will keep posting here, added some more water and he seems to be enjoying the extras space, not floating up at all now, think i just over reacted a little :rolleyes:
ROFL! I would have reacted the same way, I think. It's got to be a real kick in the stomach to find your little guy floating on his side. :blink:
I'm still paranoid every time I notice any small spot on Darby or perceive any change in color, or if he takes too long to gobble down his food. :rolleyes: Poor fish has a hypochondriac mum. :lol:

I'm so glad to hear that about Blaze though. No wobbling or tilting now? It sounds like a miracle cure.
yer no wobbling or tilting, at least i can get a good nights sleep today, didn't sleep much last night and had an exam this morning but was busy worrying about my baby, he's temp tank is sitting next to the window so he is getting a lot of sunlight, do you think that would of helped any? my guppy fry seem to thrive more in sunlight
From what I've read with Bettas and sunlight, the two don't tend to get along well. Not sure why, aside from the obvious, which is that bettas natural habitat is rather murky.
I can understand your lack of sleep. The first night I had Darby in his tank, I kept having nightmares that the heater was going to fritz out and I was going to wake up to broiled betta. I kept waking up from deep sleep to check the temp. :rolleyes:

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