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  1. P

    Other snail-eating loaches

    So I have a snail problem. It just came up out of the blue(haven't bought any plants lately) and I want to get rid of them. I know there are other loaches besides clown loaches that eat snails, but what are they? Are there any small community snail-eating loaches?
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    Stress Zyme is a great product. It's basically a bottle of beneficial bacteria that helps start and speed the cycle. You're basically supposed to put it in once a week. The 1st, 7th, and 14th day, then you put in a smaller dose in every week til the cycle is over. I don't have the bottel in...
  3. P

    Snail I.D.?

    I wouldn't recommend squashing them. Apparently if you squash a pregnant female, the eggs go everywhere. So I guess that makes it worse and that's why there's still millions. The best thing to do is either get a snail-eating fish like a clown loach(only for large tanks) or put a slice of...
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    Question about keeping female bettas

    I always thought dividers were a bad idea. But I decided to try it when the 1g I bought came with a blue-tinted divider. I figured they wouldn't be able to see each other. But they did and the female seemed more aggressive than the male. Then I lined the divider with plants but they still...
  5. P

    Betta and Africian Dwarf Frog

    I have always heard that it was fine. I hadn't tried it myself til this week. Everything is going well. My betta was very curious at first and investigated the frogs. But he didn't flare up or attack or anything and he got scared whenever my frogs would swim. My betta seems very happy. But...
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    Stone Catfish?

    AHHH! I don't know!!! I'll have to ask my boss for the scientific name tomorrow. It's definitely not a Stone Cat reg, but thanx anyway. CFC: I'm not sure. I haven't seen the little things since Sunday and they're sooooo small it's hard to see the details. But I'm not giving up!! :)
  7. P

    Stone Catfish?

    No Sir Minion, that's not it. It doesn't have the orange bands. It's all dark gray. It's very small, about an inch. It almost reminds me of a mix of a raphael and common pleco. It looks like it has sharp fins like a cory. I'm sorry it's not the best description. I'm a bad...uh...describer...
  8. P

    Stone Catfish?

    We just got some new fish in and I was soooo excited. We got these little catfish in called Stone Catfish. Anyone know anything about them? Since they're new, I don't know too much about them. I've been looking around on the internet but I can't find anything.
  9. P

    apple snails

    This lady brought a huge gold mystery snail into work. I had never seen one so big. It was baseball...maybe softball size! And she wanted to get rid of it!!!
  10. P

    Best way to breed snails...

    Most are just the common little pest snails that come in w/ plants. Some are ram's horn and others are trumpet snails. I just take them from work. LittlePuff- I know puffers will over-eat. I originally thought I could try to breed the snails w/ the puffers until they ate every single one...
  11. P

    Best way to breed snails...

    I'm trying to breed snails for the same reason. My cute little puffers need food. I have a bunch of snails from work in my 2g w/ a heater and an undergravel filter. I've given them algae wafers and zucchini but they don't seem to breed. So good luck!
  12. P

    Snail leaving it's shell?

    You're right, this is weird. Maybe snails can't come out of their shells, but they obviously did for 2 people, one of those being me. And I know what I saw.
  13. P

    Snail leaving it's shell?

    I was wondering the same thing! This morning I looked into my tank and noticed my snail climbing on the air line tubing. I did a double take when I realized he was out of his shell! Why would he do that?! I was soooooo upset. Ohhh well. At least I got to see what a shell-less snail looks...
  14. P


    I COMPLETELY agree w/ you. I wish people would stop picking on LFS's! And anytime anyone says anything bad about PETsMART, I get PISSED!!!
  15. P

    What is your favorite breed of dog??

    I looooooove boston terriers and pugs! :wub: And any other flat faced dog! :D
  16. P

    New to snails

    Like FishDan said, they're easy to take care of. It's not good to rely just on algae for food. So romaine lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, or algae wafers/discs are good. You'll know when a snail is dead if the shell is empty or if when you gently push on the shell door, all the guts come out...
  17. P

    minght be getting hermit crabs

    They're great pets!!!! Despite the name HERMIT crabs, they are social creatures. So I would get at least 2 of similar size. They can live up to 10 years and get really big! A 10 gallon would be the best thing for them but a 5 gallon or a Critter Keeper(plastic thingy) would work too. They...
  18. P


    Yup, I love froggies too! I have 3 Cuban Tree Frogs :D , 2 ADF's that go at it like bunnies :lol: , and a toad I saved from this kid that wanted to give it to his cat :o. I did have a tadpole I got from work that I found in the shipment of feeder fish, but he didn't make it :-( . But...
  19. P

    Disgusted with Pet Store

    As a proud and defensive PETsMART employee, I can answer your questions. I think it would be better not to get the brand new fish. They're all stressed out. I'd wait either a couple of days or at the end of the week. The ones left at the end of the week before the new shipment are the strong...
  20. P

    how big

    Most get up to about 2.5 to 3 inches.
  21. P


    Grrrrr. I really wish people wouldn't label PETsMART as bad just because 1 or 2 are. Sorry, I just get really defensive. I love my job. I know a lot about fish and take fish care seriously. My store doesn't sell dwarf puffers because a million stupid customers would want to put them in...
  22. P

    dead snail

    You can pick up the snail with your hands, keeping it in the water, and gently push on the shell door. If it's firm and/or bubbles come out, it's alive. If all the guts start to come out, well, it's dead...and your finger will stink forever!!!
  23. P

    Weird Centipede in Tank

    I don't know...if it looks like anything in the links above, it's probably an aquatic worm. One of the pictures looks like something I've seen at the beach before, a bristleworm I think. Do you have any live plants? Maybe it came in w/ them.
  24. P


    The best thing to do is to see how they react, if they notice them at all. I have 2 hamsters and my cats don't know they exist. They also have never noticed my brother's betta. My kitty loves to watch my fish tank though. But the only fish he cares to watch are the coreys. So maybe...
  25. P

    probably a stupid question

    I'm kinda new to plants and at PETsMART, you don't get too much training about plants. Do they really NEED CO2 and why?(I forgot everything from Bio)
  26. P

    complaints about tanks

    I know how she feels. It bugs me. I wish they wouldn't do that. And I wish places that know better wouldn't sell bowls labelled as goldfish bowls(including my place of employment). When I see fish in ads or movies in too small of a tank, I freak out. Look what my job has done to me!
  27. P

    fish and pain

    It's good to know that they don't feel too much pain. Unfortunately, I'm one of the people who do that whole personification thing, and put myself in animal's shoes and picture them as little people. I'm the woman that cried when my little brother stepped on a caterpillar when I was little...
  28. P

    Don't flush living fish!

    That picture gave me a horrible flashback. It started at the campus carnival. My roommate really wanted to win a goldfish, although I advised against it. I played too and ended up winning two goldfish. So I was cleaning my fish's bowl...and accidentally dropped him down the sink!!! I felt...
  29. P

    I am leaving

    I agree with you. Some people are very blunt and disrespectful. But I'm addicted to this forum. Unless someone were to really piss me off, I wouldn't leave. I'm just sorry that mean people have to ruin things. I don't care how old you are, whether you're 13 0r 40, be nice for goodness sake...
  30. P

    Identify these corys

    At PETsMART, they're labelled as Spotted Cories. But that could be just one of the many names for them.
  31. P

    Black Mystery Snail eating my fish?

    I agree, the snail's just eating the already dead fish. Dead fish often become feasts for others things in the tank. When I find dead fish at work, they're always covered with little snails. By the way, sorry for your loss. It'll get better.
  32. P

    Nervous About Job Interview

    Hey there! Sorry it didn't go perfectly smooth. But I'm glad you feel it went well. Closing just means working nights and staying a little bit after the store closes(9pm). When closing, you have to do things like pull dead, small animals, birds, reptiles, water test, treatment room, new...
  33. P

    Nervous About Job Interview

    I've been working there for about 8 months and I just got promoted. When I started, I didn't know much about fish but I was trained and I learned. Now I'm a fish fanatic!! I love my job, sometimes too much I think. It can be a little dirty sometimes:gravel vaccumming and algae wiping 100...
  34. P

    Just got some Upside Down Catfish

    They're great, funny, entertaining fish. Supposedly they swim upside down to eat the bugs and eggs floating at the surface of the water. But they will turn over to get stuff at the bottom. Have fun w/ your new fish!
  35. P

    Nervous About Job Interview

    Hey Love2havefish, thanks for defending PETsMART. I'm sure you'll get the job. And then you'll get FURIOUS when people on here talk **** about PETsMART. Disregard comments about piercings and crap. You're only allowed to wear one earring in each ear when you work. Yes, some people don't...
  36. P

    Can crabs be in an all fish aquarium???

    At the PETsMART I work at, we don't sell red claw crabs, just what we call mini-crabs, which are little fiddler crabs. They need half land, half water. I'd call and find out what kind of crab it is.
  37. P

    Dealing w/ Non-Fish People

    My Dad is driving me crazy!!!! I'm doing everything I can not to tell him to go you know what himself. He thinks I'm spending all my time and money on fish. He gets pissed because I spend money on my fish. He gets pissed because I buy another fish tank. He gets pissed because I have to get...
  38. P

    common puffer diseases?

    Here's some info on puffers, diseases, and medications that are safe for these sensitive scaleless cuties!! Go to wwwdwarfpufferscom/care3.htm (You'll have to insert the missing dots, it's the only way I could keep it from coming up as ###)
  39. P

    dwarf puffers

    Hi, I just recently learned about pufferfish and started a pufferfish tank. They are very cute, but despite their cuteness and small size, they are fin nippers. They will shred other fish's fins w/ their beaks. So they're best kept in a species tank, meaning just dwarf puffers. You could fit...
  40. P


    I know how you feel. I have a friend that has a little 5 gallon in her apartment. It was overstocked with about 10 fish, so of course they all died...except the albino cory. So now the hardy little cory is all by himself and still kickin' even though she hasn't fed him or cleaned the tank. :no: