Betta and Africian Dwarf Frog

as long as the frogs are clawless ones and arnt bigger than the betta. frogs wont attack fish much but they will take chase on occasion..
ADF's will have webs on all four... feet?

Anyways, the only potential problem is that the betta might be aggressive towards the frog. However, this is unlikely, so it should work.

Just make sure you have frozen and live foods for the frog.
I think I will go ahead and try it out. I'm not exactly sure were to purchase live foods at or what kind. There is a Petsmart and a lfs, can anyone tell me what kinds of live food to looks for. Aslo, what other kinds of frozen foods for the frog, like frozen bloodworms??? Thanks
Hi disasterfullife :)

One very important thing to know is how to tell the difference between an African Dwarf Frog and an African Clawed Frog. Sometimes the lfs has them labeled wrong or the employees do not know the difference. This link will tell you how to tell if you are getting the right one:

There are pictures of both kinds on the links. If you notice that the larger has pointy fingers, and the little ADF has little round, mitten like hands, with webbing between the fingers, you won't go wrong with identification of them.

If you live in the US, most lfs that carry live food have blackworms and/or tubifex worms. I prefer to give my frogs the blackworms, but they will eat both. Your betta will enjoy them too. :thumbs:

HBH makes a tiny pellet called Frog and Tadpole Bites that will sink to the bottom where your frog will find them. :D
Thank you inchworm for the advice. I have actually already read that post and made sure today when I was checking them out today that the little guy I was looking at was for sure an African Dwarf Frog. I will look for some live worms at Petsmart next time I head down there. Thanks for the pellet idea too. Thanks for the advice everybody!!! :)
I have always heard that it was fine. I hadn't tried it myself til this week. Everything is going well. My betta was very curious at first and investigated the frogs. But he didn't flare up or attack or anything and he got scared whenever my frogs would swim. My betta seems very happy. But about the bloodworms: I don't know about other PETsMARTs but mine doesn't sell live worms, only frozen.

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