Nervous About Job Interview

haha, reminds me when I would practice parking. I am no good in reverse. I would switch into reverse then stop and then press the gas again, for getting I am still in reverse. I have hit so many curbs, hehe
Yano said:
haha, reminds me when I would practice parking. I am no good in reverse. I would switch into reverse then stop and then press the gas again, for getting I am still in reverse. I have hit so many curbs, hehe
hehehe sounds so scarry :fun:
I can't wait to be able to drive, I'm dreading actually starting but people keep telling me once I'm used to it it won't be so scary, I've been putting it off for like 3 years now so I'm determined to do it this year ;) It's the reason I'm working for like 12 hours a day like today, I'm tired already and I haven't even started yet :zz Hope I don't fall asleep in the laundry room at my second job for the day. Must stop wasting so much time on the forums and get to work :whistle: :lol:
Yano said:
Don't worry about it. You should have no trouble getting a job there. I was at petsmart the other day, there was some dumb looking kid trying to get a pleco out of the tank. He could not do it, he had to go get his manager. Then the customer asked him a question, off the manager he went. :rofl: \
btw when the manager did not look too happy the second time. :D
Im glad you find this funny. -_- It is NOT EASY catching one specific fish out of a tankful, or even any pleco is hard to catch. Imagine the scene. A tank full of fish, all looking exactly the same. customer says, I want THAT one and no other. It isnt as funny as you seem to think. And would you rather he gave some BS info rather than go and find somebody who could give the correct info? :angry:

Very best of luck with the job interview, it is a very rewarding job especially when you give someone the correct information after they have been elsewhere. Happens to me a lot.

But if I had just found these forums I would turn right around and leave due to the amount of negative reports of lfs employees, negative stereotyping and the basic holier-than-thou attitude from a LOT of people on this thread. To this I say - you are no better than they are. You had to begin somewhere, and you are still learning. These people happened to have started in a store. So will everyone stop with generalising employees as stupid ignorant kids who dont care about the animals they sell, or the customers they serve.
She did not ask for a specific fish, and I belive the question was "What do they eat" This kid should have know atleast that. Getting a job where you will be asked many questions is not a job you should get if know nothing about them.
and why not? he could just have said "flakes" whereas the manager would probably have said "frozen food, flakes, veg" etc etc or gone into the details of different diets for different types of fish. For all you know, he may have just started in that job. I learned on the job. It doesnt come to everyone overnight, not even you though you clearly consider yourself a fish expert because you would have caught the pleco first time. And about what to feed it - if he said flakes, he would have been giving BS info and you would have come on here complaining about that.

What about if you started work in a supermarket. simple enough, hey? But what if someone asked you basic questions you didnt know, such as "where are the baked beans?" how stupid and inferior would you feel if you had to ask a colleague in front of the customer? after all, baked beans are a pretty basic foodstuff. what if the customer went away from the shop laughing at you because you asked someone else?
Do you think this guy made sure the first thing he learned was what to feed a fish? I think he probably did.
Yes, but beans are not animals. No need to get offened here. But I feel if you are going to work with animals, for the sake of their health, know what your talking about.
Hey Love2havefish, thanks for defending PETsMART. I'm sure you'll get the job. And then you'll get FURIOUS when people on here talk **** about PETsMART. Disregard comments about piercings and crap. You're only allowed to wear one earring in each ear when you work. Yes, some people don't follow the rules and are bad. But I love my job and care about the animals. And I think you'll love it too. Don't be too nervous. You'll be fine. And you'll probably get promoted in a couple months! :D Good luck!
Love2havefish said:
steppy104 said:
i'm not included in those second thoughts, am i? i disagreed with the spike hair/piercing thing!

the people at my petsmart aren't ignorant about fish. they actually know what they are talking about. and they are also very good with the pets they have that haven't been sold yet. i seen them spoiling the heck out of one of their wonder their pets are so nice :nod:

i feel sorry for all the people who got idiots workin at their lfs's, but i've seen very few that are as bad as the people here make them sound.

oh ya....goodluck with your interview :thumbs:
No, i don't mean to be harsh to the people who are actually supporting me here. For the rest, i don't know where the heck you guys shop, and maybe its the people that are in your community. And yea, i do feel sorry for those who have idiots who work at their LFS, i did. That's why i'm going to make a difference.
yeha best of luck with your job interview i mean most of the rookies that work there dont know what they are talking about!!!
plecoperson said:
actually I think anyone who works in an lfs and reads this has every cause to get offended.
If it makes you feel any better, yesterday when I was buying plants for my new tank I went to my favorite Petsmart and asked for some banana plants and javaferns. The guy that got them knew his stuff and told me I should not burry the bottom part of the banana plant(Of course I did my research before hand, but still its nice that he mentioned that), he even checked the plants for snails and what not. :D
Rusty_S said:
I can't wait to be able to drive, I'm dreading actually starting but people keep telling me once I'm used to it it won't be so scary, I've been putting it off for like 3 years now so I'm determined to do it this year ;) It's the reason I'm working for like 12 hours a day like today, I'm tired already and I haven't even started yet :zz Hope I don't fall asleep in the laundry room at my second job for the day. Must stop wasting so much time on the forums and get to work :whistle: :lol:
driving is fun in the beginning...but after awhile, its just a chore. -_- I love my car so i have lots of fun driving, but when it comes to errands... :no: hehe seroiusly! i'm on 3 different forums and they're so addicting :p
mmm..once again thanks to everybody who's supporting me. ;)

pleco - have you ever worked at a lfs? i don't really understand on what you're trying to say by posting all those different things. At first i got the impression that you think that i'm like any beginner...then you start going on bout lfs employees getting put down. I think...but what Yano was saying is that there are a lot of people who work at pet stores when they don't even know how to do anything, or they don't know anything at all. If the LFS employees who read this thread is offended...why get so offended by it? we're not talking about those who know their stuff, to those people who do know their stuff :thumbs: . But, its those people who don't... :no:

PETsMARTchick- thank you! how long have you been working there? how much do you like your job?
It's funny how one girl just asked for support on her interview, and a whole fiasco came out of it. Good luck at Petsmart!

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