dwarf puffers


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2003
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I saw someone had a dwarf puffer... I looked them up and found they were very cute! Anyone have experience with them? Are they friendly with other fish? Are they common at lfs? Could they live in a 6 gallon? Thanks for the help :D
Yes, I'd like to know as well. Walmart had some at one point, over a year ago and nobody was buying the cute little guys and back then I didn't have any tanks. :( To this day I wish I'd gotten some. Such neat teeny fish! Anybody got any good experiences to share about them?

SnowyZMom B)
there's tons of info on them under "oddball" section.

I love them :) Used to have a few and am planning on setting up a 15-20 gallong so i can get a few more
Hi, I just recently learned about pufferfish and started a pufferfish tank. They are very cute, but despite their cuteness and small size, they are fin nippers. They will shred other fish's fins w/ their beaks. So they're best kept in a species tank, meaning just dwarf puffers. You could fit one or two in a 6 gallon. Here's a link that I found helpful:

Ok...for some reason the links are acting retarded, it's httpwwwdwarfpufferscom (you can insert all the dots, that's the only way I could type it w/out it coming up as ###)
I just bought 2 dwarf puffers there very very small and hard to find in a large tank becuz they can fit almost anywhere
After 1 day one of the puffers aggrivated my rainbow shark and he tore it to shreds
As for my other one he bites other fins but is doing good
Wouldnt recomend in a community tank :huh:
Okay, you could probably keep a few in that 6 gallon. Do not keep other species of fish in with them though. they are in fact aggressive fish, but they are very rewarding. I'm not sure, but I'm allmost certain they are brackish. I'd make that 6 gallon a brackish tank for those guys
StingrayKid said:
I'm not sure, but I'm allmost certain they are brackish. I'd make that 6 gallon a brackish tank for those guys
I have had four of these little guys in a community tank for about a year now. All the other fish in the tank are either fast moving, or are bottom feeders so the puffers don't notce them.

My puffers share a tank with two schools of tetras and various catfish & plecos.

The trick is to keep the puffers well fed (live snails, live & frozen bloodworm and anything small that wriggles) and to have a heavily planted tank so the puffers can establish a teritory with no line of sight to another puffer.

And dwarf puffers are strictly fresh water only

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