

Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
I'm cycling out my 55g tank with "juice" from filter media in my well established tanks and four hardy Black Skirt Tetras who are doing a great job. I was reccomended a product called StressZyme. I went out and bought a little bottle of it. It gives instructions how to cycle out the tank on the back, but, I've been working on it before, and it instructs you to add it to the tank as soon as the water is in the tank. So, should I just add 1tsp per 10g for over the next week here and there, or what? Thanks. :dunno:
Stress Zyme is a great product. It's basically a bottle of beneficial bacteria that helps start and speed the cycle. You're basically supposed to put it in once a week. The 1st, 7th, and 14th day, then you put in a smaller dose in every week til the cycle is over. I don't have the bottel in front of me but I think that's it. But it recommends continuing it. Hope that helps!!! :D
I think you'll find that consensus of opinion is that such products do not really work. Many believe them to be useless. If you have matured material already then you do not really need to waste your money on something which may make no difference anyway.
That's the thing. I want to add it because I want enough beneficial bacteria to feed on ammonia. I've added some gravel from my other established tank, I've added three peices of driftwood from the established tank and I've added the "juice" of the filter media into my filter in my new tank. The fish that are cycling it are still doing great and its been cycling for about a week now. So, I'd imagine I have a little colony of bacteria somewhere... :dunno:
I'm not really sure if the Stress Zyme is what actually sped up my most recent cycle, but I know it didn't hurt it. I am currently setting up a ten gallon for my girlfriend, and I added some gravel and a decoration from my tank as well as the Stress Zyme as directed and the tank is almost completely cycled after only Two weeks. Nitrites just fell to 0ppm today, still waiting and watching them for the next week though.
I don't swear by it, but I know it doesn't hurt, but around here it is really cheap, so it is worth it to me. I also add it when I clean my filter media.

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