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  1. S

    Video Of My Tank

    LOL Does your cat like to 'watch' the fish? Also in your first tank is that sand or just a terracotta coloured stone?
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    Plec Fits?

    Fit? What exactly was he doing? When you say a fit u kind of imagine it to be like a human fit. My friend has loads of plecs i shall ask him later
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    Who's Watching The Olympics?

    I am of course routing for UK, i like the skeleton bob and ice dancing. All the girly ones basically. I hate curling, sooooooooooooooo boring.YAWN. :grr:
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    Quick Question

    hmm, not sure if this is right cos i am new but i have corys. Someone told me that they have the organs that breathe air as well as gills so they shoot up to the top to collect it ever now and again. My corys do this also. :fun:
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    Adhesive Food Pellets

    Danios and mollies and cory catfish Basically they are just compressed flake food into a little pellet that sticks to the front of the tank. They are PHILLIPS AQUA TABS Look at:
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    Air Pump Is Red Hot!

    I had my air pump on for about 10 min when it started making a hell of a noise, i felt the tubing and it was red hot as was the actual machine. When couls be going on, is this normal, is it dangerous. I would think blowing air through a hot tube would make the temparature of the water rise so i...
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    Setting Up Goldfish Tank - No Expierience

    So if i put a male betta in there do i need a filter, i can prob handle buying a new heater cos they are quite cheap but dont think i can get a filter in there. If i dont use a filter what sort of water change routine will i need?
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    When A Landlords Contract Says...

    I am in rented accommodation. I asked my landlord and he said it only applies to animals that make mess such as cats, dogs and rodents. He also said if he was paying the water rates and electric as part of the price he would not allow this as it is unauthorised use. :S p.s i think he was a...
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    What's Your Claim To Fame?.

    My step dad met TakeThat in an arcade that he managed, but he threw them out cos he didnt know who they where. LOL Pretty lame claim to fame i know
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    Setting Up Goldfish Tank - No Expierience

    hmm ok wont set up goldfish, any ideas what i can do with it, i.e. possibly breed live foods? or grow plants or something for my tropical tank, i am sick of seeing it lying around i wanna put something in there that doesnt require a heater
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    Recommendations Where To

    Tanks are usually pretty cheap at my pets at home (north east), however the LFS do 'set-up deals' which probably work out better cos you get the filter, heater and hood in the price. Pets at home make you buy it all separately :P
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    Setting Up Goldfish Tank - No Expierience

    if you cant keep fish in a tank this size why do they sell them. I kept fish in this tank when i was a kid for about 3 years :unsure: I am confused
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    Setting Up Goldfish Tank - No Expierience

    Hi, I have a spare tank i was thinking of starting goldfish tank. I currently have a tropical tank. My question is, do i need to cycle the water in a cold water and and if i do can i use some water from my tropical tank? Also it is only a small tank about 3 gal at the most (goldfish bowl...
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    Adhesive Food Pellets

    Its the first time i've used one of those adhesive pellets to feed fish. They really annoyed me, at first i thought it would be cool to watch the fish eat in a different way, until they started nipping the crap out of each other instead of eating. Also there must be at least 3 weeks worth of...
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    Frozen Bloodworm - Question

    What it is reason for rinsing them? It says on the pack i buy just to float them on the top. Dont understand about the carbon filter thing. I dont have one though. -_-
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    Horror Films

    I like the old ones, probably because i dont really like horror film so i like the old non scary type. My favorite one is 'Carrie'.
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    Snail How Did He Get There?

    I had the same problem, i got a few come in the the live plants. I started picking them out on every water change but now i cant be bothered. My danios like plucking them of the glass anyway, which id fun to watch. :P
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    My Tank

    Like your fish. :D Dont know about the stone background though, a planted one would probably make the tank look more planted and the colours on the fish stand out more. :/
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    Frozen Bloodworm - Question

    You can just place it on the top and it will melt, they like to pick them off as they melt. :D I have found that if you defrost them in the water with a net first then they just get stuck to the net which is annoying. Or alternatively get a glass and take some water from your tank, defrost...
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    Water Treatments

    LOL, oh well, i shall know from now on then. :X Thanks for your help. :)
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    Water Treatments

    Please help. -_- :(
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    I Have Babies

    Woohoo! :D Congrats Remember to keep up regular water changes during this time, fry are particularly sensitive. Good Luck!
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    Water Treatments

    Hi, i have had my tank for about 6-9months. I change the water (about 20%) every 5 days as the tank is a little overstocked. However i have just realised after 6 months that i may be over treating the water. When i treat the water i have been adding enough Stress Zyme and Stress Coat to treat...
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    5 Gallon

    Yeah definately not good for cycling, i put some neons in my first tank on bad advice from the LFS and they were all dead the next day :-( Maybe consider a fishless cycle if you definately want the neon tetras :P
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    5 Gallon

    hmm my guess is that your gunna get a lot of people on here saying that you couldnt really put any very active fish in a tank that small. But i have 4 danios in a 6.5 gal and they are healthy and active. It is in no way and ideal situation. I think you can keep a betta in a tank that small...
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    What Do You Think Of Your Lfs?

    I havent seen any rare fish in any of my LFS's. Were do people normally get them from? :alien:
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    What Do You Think Of Your Lfs?

    Yeah i always think when i see dead fish in a tank, Why havent they taken it out?. Especially when there is more then one. Also would like to add about 30% of fish in my LFS have white spot. :crazy:
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    What Do You Think Of Your Lfs?

    Hi all, Just need to have a really good complain about my LFS. They are crap. The staff don't know anything about fish keeping. In half the tanks there are dead fish floating around! Nothing is labelled so i have no idea what i am looking at. I asked one of the staff if he thought i was...
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    Any Advantages Of Air Stones?

    Hi, Was just wondering, are there any benefits of using air stones and bubble walls for the fish or are they purely ornamental? I am considering putting one in, Are there any fish they are not compatible with? I have balloon mollies, danios and cory catfish. Hope you can help
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    Welcome to the forum My first fish were danios too! :)
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    30 Litre Tank Ideas

    Yep i fully understand the implications of overstocking. However i must say these fish were rescued from a friend who had given up on them and was about to flush them down the loo :( The LFS would not take them in the condition they were in (looking a bit sad and tail biten) so i nursed them...
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    She will give birth every 4-6 weeks. YIKES! i hear you say! Yep its true. Also mollies can hold sperm for months and can have many pregnancies from the same sperm. So expect lots of fry. :hyper: Seidge p.s. hope i am delivering good news not bad!, the perks are they are fasinating to watch...
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    Control Panel?

    Hi, I have recently joined this forum :) I have managed to work out how to track posts but i dont know how to get to the 'control panel' or whatever to go back and look at them, i just get a message saying this has been added to your subscriptions. HELP! :blink:
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    Difficulty Getting Rid Of Algae!

    I use an old plastic credit card which is pretty effective, would love to hear some other ideas though as this takes a long time :crazy: Seidge
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    Yep they are mating :wub: I have 1 male balloon mollie in with 3 females and he is also a randy bugger. Expect lots of fry! One of my females just gave birth to about 20, however only 2 have survived as the zebra danios decided to have them for breakfast.........Lunch...........yep you guessed...
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    30 Litre Tank Ideas

    Hi I also have a 30L tank. Mine is a little overstocked at the minute, but it is sustainable if careful and fish are happy. I have 4 zebra danios, 4 small balloon mollies and 1 albino cory catfish (very small). I think there are 2 mollie fry in there too but havent seen em for days (they like...
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    Favourite Type Of Fish

    Hi I am voting for livebearers (mollies!), They are really greedy and have cute great big fish lips! Also they are fascinating to watch when giving birth and they can produce some really interesting fry. :lol:
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    Balloon Mollie Fry Size (overstocked?) Help Please

    I have never tested the water stats as the kits are just too expensive. Why would they start dying now if they have survived so long. I do water changes (20%) every 5 days. I guess the LFS told a few porkys cos i did ask them if i was overstocking, money grapping gits. I will see how it goes...
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    Balloon Mollie Fry Size (overstocked?) Help Please

    Hi, My balloon mollie just gave birth to about 20 fry, only 4 have survived. I am going with survival of the fittest approach because i dont have another tank to put them in. My question is how quickly will they grow? They are about 10mm at the moment, only a few days old. They are being...