Water Treatments


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
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England (Yorkshire)
Hi, i have had my tank for about 6-9months. I change the water (about 20%) every 5 days as the tank is a little overstocked. However i have just realised after 6 months that i may be over treating the water.

When i treat the water i have been adding enough Stress Zyme and Stress Coat to treat the whole tank and not just the amount in that bucket. So i have been putting 6 gal worth of treatment in a 1 gal bucket. I havent had any casualties from this though.

Just wondered if i am doing the right thing or not? :*)

Also is a dwarf puffer fish a real species or one that we created?
Hi, i have had my tank for about 6-9months. I change the water (about 20%) every 5 days as the tank is a little overstocked. However i have just realised after 6 months that i may be over treating the water.

When i treat the water i have been adding enough Stress Zyme and Stress Coat to treat the whole tank and not just the amount in that bucket. So i have been putting 6 gal worth of treatment in a 1 gal bucket. I havent had any casualties from this though.

Just wondered if i am doing the right thing or not? :*)

Also is a dwarf puffer fish a real species or one that we created?
i have been doing the same thing with no ill effect either . they dont make instructions very clear on the box do they? as for the puffer i had once very cute looking might get another when i set up my 4ft tank
It's not the end of the world :) but you really should only be treating the water in the bucket - and not the whole tank ;) You'll save yourself a fortune in the longer run too !
i was dong the same with water safe... i was adding a capfull which treats 8 gallons everytime I filled up my 4 gallon buckets.. could this have caused any problems??

kiss kiss
Unlikely but guess possible. It's hard to overdose on that stuff but always best to stick to what it's supposed to be.
I find the instructions confusing as well! I have worked it out to treat the amount of new water with Stress Coat and the whole tank amount of water with Stress Zyme. I think that is right! Gives me a headache working out maths. :)
In my opinion, you don't need Stress zyme in any established tank. Not that you even "need" it in a new tank. The benefit is small (if at all).

Unless doing an absolute massive water change - but even then it's not strictly neccesary.
I have just ordered some more Stress Coat and Stress Zyme! When I have finished this lot of Stress Zyme I might stop using it. My tank is understocked so maybe I don't need it. :)

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