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  1. S

    Axolotl Set-up

    oooh. Have u got any pictures of the eggs? How many are there? So ive just bought a small piece of liver from the butchers, it cost me 5p, i was amazed, its a shame i dont like it at that price. I cut it into thin strips and got about 30 - 40 portions out of it. i just dangled one in front of...
  2. S

    Axolotl Feeding

    can i try it on liver that you would get from the butchers? this seems a lot easier to get hold of than beef heart. Also i dont see how people feed these creatures by hand, mine wont come near me and i dont think it will eat food off the surface either
  3. S

    Axolotl Set-up

    can i try it on liver that you would get from the butchers? this seems a lot easier to get hold of than beef heart. Also i dont see how people feed these creatures by hand, mine wont come near me and i dont think it will eat food off the surface either
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    Shaking Mollies

    No i cant separate them i dont have another tank, they have been in that tank for nearly a year and i havent ever had any problems with them. I live in hard water area. I cant add salt cos i have corys and danios. Dont make me feel like an idiot for not knowing they needed salt. I think the...
  5. S

    Axolotl Set-up

    yeh but to be honest you dont need anything else with them, they are really entertaining on their own. I bought a new tank especially for it, i have a tropical tank too. p.s u shouldnt keep fish with them anyway cos it will eat them or fish will eat its feathery gills
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    Shaking Mollies

    They are looking much better today, no deaths either. Still a bit wobbly but not nearly as much
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    Dog Behaving Strange

    DOGS CAN SMELL HORMONES I DEFINATELY KNOW WHEN YOU ARE PREGNANT, ANGRY, SAD OR FEARFUL. READ THE STORY FROM THIS WEBSITE. HERE IS AN ABSTRACT. Dogs have long been used to sniff out explosives, narcotics, and even counterfeit...
  8. S

    Axolotl Set-up

    Ive been watching my axolotl closely over the last few days, she is so fun to watch (just discovered its not a boy after calling it diablo). She just loves swimming in the buubles. Thats all she does all day long, she is so cute. I put a bubble wall in but i was apprehensive because i read they...
  9. S

    Axolotl Set-up

    lol, dont worry i'm not going to eat any rocks
  10. S

    Suggestion: Separate Area For Journals

    You can select the forum when searching, so if you wanted to find a specific journal you could select to search for say 'planted' or 'gourami' in the journal section. This way you are only searching through result which are journals not results from all forums.
  11. S

    Where Do I Have To Post

    the 'buy sell and swap' section, here:
  12. S

    Axolotl Set-up

    yeh but i think the point is that sand is easier to pass, but i guess it also lighter so its more likely they will ingest it. Thats why i have done slate.
  13. S

    Axolotl Feeding

    yeh i have been really worried about temparuture. Its sitting at 24 degrees but yestersday started climbing. I floated some ice packs on top and have air pump and fan pointed into tank to try and keep temparature stable. My other fish tank with mollies is really suffering, i have taken the...
  14. S

    Suggestion: Separate Area For Journals

    i guess the mods werent as excited about this as me :blush:
  15. S

    Ah English Weather..

    What the? American big headed fools. They act like they are the bloody saviours of the world. Money and power are useless if you dont have the inteligence to use it economically. It can only last so long. And let me say America DOES contribute most to global warming (the 2nd is china and...
  16. S

    Axolotl Feeding

    I already solve the gravel issue, i have layed slate over the top of it, the gravel cant get through dont worry.
  17. S

    Shaking Mollies

    Well she is no longer balancing on her nose but still looks a bit light a wobbly when shes swimming. The others still have shimmies, no deaths yet
  18. S

    Shaking Mollies

    i am from the uk, just done water change, since it is now the early hours of the morning i cant get to a pet store for any treatment, i shall post in the morning, hopefully they survive. But to be honset they should be on their last legs anyway, they are old
  19. S

    Shaking Mollies

    Thanks so much for your immediate reply, yes i think this is what it is, i have seen the one that is facing upside down rubbing on stones as well which it mentions. Do u think it could be the temparature, the tank went to 30 celsius today, i'll go do water change now
  20. S

    Shaking Mollies

    One of my balloon mollies has been balancing on its nose att the bottom of the tank all day, looks like it might have swim bladder problem and will probably die. My other two mollies are acting really eratically though. The are shaking really fast from side to side and to be honest they just...
  21. S

    Axolotl Feeding

    i seriously hope mine doesnt go the same way, he hasnt eaten anything since i got him on the first day and he doesnt seem to recognise any of the food i put in the tank. i asked the store what they fed him they said pellets put he doesnt seem to recognise them as food when i use them. i dont...
  22. S

    Axolotl Feeding

    hmmf :(
  23. S

    Axolotl Feeding

    anyone? :grr:
  24. S

    Creepest Thing Iv Ever Seen

    there is a website where u can submit your freaky cloud pictures, i cant remember what it is called but it has dream in the title.
  25. S

    Axolotl Feeding

    I fed my new axolotl with frozen bloodworm yesterday but he only ate about half a cube. Today i thought i'd try him on the trout pellets i bought, he is just not intersted, he has walked over them a few time and they have gone completely un-noticed. Why wont he eat these? p.s. i am putting...
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    Suggestion: Separate Area For Journals

    Does anyone else agree? MODS where are you? :crazy:
  27. S

    Tropical V Coldwater

    She didnt ask for an idea for a weird tank
  28. S

    Suggestion: Separate Area For Journals

    Hi Mods and fellow fishy lovers, I am really intersted in peoples journals and their step by step set ups, maybe there can be a separate section for people to post their journals which will make them easeir for people to look through. Let me know what you think.
  29. S

    Spare Tank

    You could do aquatic coldwater aphibian tank then you wouldnt have to buy heater just a filter. Get some newts, frogs, maybe a few snails. Do it semi aquatic like i've just done mine with a landbank, it looks cool wish i could post piccy. Its got an axolotl in it (although mines a 30" dont know...
  30. S

    Something Odd To Put In A 10 Gallon

    Crabs! or those little blue lobster things :stupid:
  31. S

    Gravel Vac - Recommendations For Cleaning Sand

    swirl the vac around as you hover it over the sand, this usually just picks up the debris instead of sucking sand up. i find the smaller the vac the better it is, the water moves faster and has more powerful suck
  32. S

    Filter Problem?

    Size of tank and type/size of filter please. (the filter could be too powerful for the volume of water) Puttin a stocking over it will stop them getting their tails caught however the stocking will act like an extra filter before it reaches the sponge (if thats what you have). This will get...
  33. S

    Tropical V Coldwater

    you could probably keep danios in coldwater tank and upgrade later, especially since the weather is so good, room temp is about 22 degrees at the moment. Danios are very hardy they could probably live in toliet water, not that i'm suggesting that :sick:
  34. S

    Ah English Weather..

    hmm my coldwater tank is reaching 22c at the moment which is a bit worrying cos i am supposed to have nit between 14-18, my tropical tank is just fine, i have had to turn the heater down a couple of degrees to compensate but it seem to be staying steady at 26c
  35. S

    Axolotl Set-up

    i got gravel but i have covered it with slate in most parts and i think i am gunna try and contain feeding to one area to reduce indegestion of substrate, would love to post a piccy but i dont know how. I have just noticed something that might be poo, wow if it is it sure does do big poops. i...
  36. S

    Axolotl Set-up

    Ok now cool down, most axolotls only grow to around 8" so not quite as big as 1 ft. My tank is 30 x 12 x 12, i got my axolotl today and he looks just fine in there, very happy in fact. Clay ropper - what do u feed yours and how? I have heard they suck in substrate so i given mine its first...
  37. S

    Kuhli Loach

    hmm, kuhli loaches look great in the shop. I got mine home and they just hide where ever they can. If your planning to have decorations or plants in your tank you wont see them very often because they love to burrow under everything. Mine only come out at feeding time. I think Danios are a...
  38. S

    Axolotl Set-up

    Ok so ive bought the tank filled it with decholrinated water and also some siphoned off the other tank and i am using the filter from the other tank. Can i buy my axolotl tommorow. Is this cloning like an instant cycle? Even though this tank is bigger there is the same ammount of water as in...
  39. S

    Cycling Help

    8 flakes for 3 danios is a lot especially if you are feeding them at night too. i feed my fish every other day, if you see their bellies bulge you are really overfeeding them too much. Crush up the flakes in the palm of your hand you'll get a better idea of how much you are feeding each of your...
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    24 X 12 X 15 Inch Rimless And Braceless Tank £60

    holy cow ive just had a look at their website, they are soooooooooo expensive i wouldnt dream of paying over £100 for a tank that size