Dog Behaving Strange


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok got back from a long weekend away and since then my dog Ty has been acting strange I'm not sure if it's because I'm pregnant or because he is still sulking as I left him! When I was gone I got my friend to take him out and she took him out for between 3 and 5 hours a day which is a lot more than what he would get normally!

The reason why I say he's acting strange is that he just doesnt seem to want to be around me anymore and when he is he just lies by my side and doesnt do much! I took him out for a walk last night on my own and where he normally pulls me up the street he was walking behind me all the way which is unusual! Ok normally after he's pulled up the street he walks to heel or is in front on a very slack lead but this is just too strange having him behind me! He is also giving me funny looks! He's fine with my partner infact he prefers to be with him rather than me now!
It very well might be because you are pregnant! He is probably able to smell the hormonal changes going on in your body and knows something is different. Give him time, I'm sure he will get used to it and realise you're the same ol' you :)
THanks Synirr, I hope he doesnt take too long in getting used to it as I feel bad having him moping about and not being his bouncy self with me!
When I was pregnant with our first, we had 3 female dogs. They all started acting strange and were even more gentle with me. Our one female, a Rhodesian Ridgeback was very energetic, but she also just lay by me and walked slowly when around me. She fell pregnant too during my pregnancy and had her ONE pup just 5 weeks before our son was born. Animals do tend to pick up on things. It's a good idea to have him involved so when the baby arrives it's not a shock. They are so much like kids. Oh, and congrats on the prenancy. Keep us updated with scan pics. :good:
are you going ot be havong the baby in the house or in hospital??

if its in the hospital its best to leave the dog in the guarden the day you bring the baby home, then when the baby is home tank a blanket that he /she has been sleeping in and rub it on the walls of every room.

Then let the dog back into the house and the dog will smell the baby. it will be inquisitive but the dog will accept the child.

if you dont do this the dog may feel that the child is coming into its area and the dog may get defencive to the child.

we were told to do this by a animal psycologist.
Yeah I'm planning on getting Ty involved as much as I can! I will keep the idea of rubbing the baby's blanket around the rooms when I bring it home (Got a long time to go yet) as planning on having it in hospital! I've also got a back up plan just in case he does get too jealous and has behavour problems when the baby is home, my friend has agreed to keep him at hers until they get used to one and other but that will be a last resort as I hate the thought of having to part with him!
I'm pleased to say Ty is more or less back to normal with me now although he no longer elbows me in the stomach but still slaps me in the face with his big paws on a morning to get me up I suppose that will never change! :rolleyes: He even came rushing to my side when I had a bit or morning sickness never heard such a racket in all my life the way he was pounding on the bathroom door to get to me and didnt leave my side which was really sweet! I feel bad as I dont have the energy at the moment to take him on long walks or play with him as much!

I'm also pleased to say that he has stopped attacking my dad now but I think that has more to do with my dad playing with him more! It's strange no longer hearing my dad shouting at him!

Also it looks as if Ty has an eye infection do you think just bathing it in saltwater and keeping an eye on it will be ok for the next few days as I dont have the funds to pay for any vets bills at the moment and it doesnt seem to be irritating him!


Dogs have long been used to sniff out explosives, narcotics, and even counterfeit currency.

Now, a new study shows that man's best friend can also detect lung and breast cancer in breath samples. While canines won't ever replace standard medical testing, experts think they may become an important early screening tool in the future.

In this study, three Labrador retrievers and two Portuguese water dogs were trained in three weeks to either sit or lay down in front of breath samples from lung and breast cancer patients, while ignoring those of healthy individuals.

The trial comprised of breath samples from 55 patients with lung cancer, 31 with breast cancer, and 83 healthy people. The samples were captured in special tubes.

The results show the dogs were 88 percent to 97 percent accurate in identifying both early- and late-stage breast and lung cancers.

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