Something Odd To Put In A 10 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Mar 23, 2005
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Me and my roommate at collage want a pet in our dorm, only thing is, is that we can only have a 10 (US) gallon tank and it must have mostly water in it. We could go with fish however I would prefer something much more odd. So lets get those Ideas flowing.
I like the shoe idea, it'd be interesting to see a shoe in its native habitat. However I was trying to lean more towards the non fishy variaty. What I really want is a some sort of lizard but our rooming contract is very specific about the tank being filled with water

Not to mention i dont think im ready skill wise to make the leap from fresh water to water with anymore then a pinch of salt with it, especially at school, if you get my meaning



EDIT: I made myself sad...I miss those little guys.
I like the newt idea but i also like wasp fish, they are evil little fishes, I think Ill keep those two at the top of my list, more in depth what do newts eat
Yeah vicky, so long as the triop is big enough to not get eaten, and the fish are not big enough to eat them.

Hmm - I may have to give this a go. I guess I should have a triop container for the laying and collecting of eggs/growing of babies (to ensure a steady supply of the little blighters) and put them in my tank when they are big enough?!
Crabs! or those little blue lobster things :stupid:

those little blue lobster things, get bigger, 10g is not big enough.

you could get some shrimps, african dwarf frogs.

I've never had triops, certainly look interesting.

Not sure if a 10 gallon is big enough, but a frogmouthed catfish might just fit????

snails :D
The frog mouthed catfish is an interesting little guy, but he wont fit in a 10 gallon.

I may go with triops though, seeing as how I already have some that just hatched yesterday, should be interesting to see them grow, but we'll see.

I am still going to keep waspfish and newts in mind though because from the little research I have done they are both awsome animals.

Does anyone have any articles on keeping crabs, so that I could see what is involved in takeing care of them?
don't know much about crabs but another option would be a water garden. Set up a high-tech heavily planted ten without fish. Just get some shrimp and snails.

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