Axolotl Feeding


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
England (Yorkshire)
I fed my new axolotl with frozen bloodworm yesterday but he only ate about half a cube.

Today i thought i'd try him on the trout pellets i bought, he is just not intersted, he has walked over them a few time and they have gone completely un-noticed. Why wont he eat these?

p.s. i am putting them large glass and laying them down so he doesnt suck in gravel. He has been in the glass a few times but just ignored them
I know someone who had the same problem and the Axolotl died from hunger, though she thinks it was from wind :/ but perhaps try some vegatation like peas. Find out what he ate before you got him if you can. I found this quite good info.
i seriously hope mine doesnt go the same way, he hasnt eaten anything since i got him on the first day and he doesnt seem to recognise any of the food i put in the tank. i asked the store what they fed him they said pellets put he doesnt seem to recognise them as food when i use them.

i dont know about the peas, they are carnivorous, i thought they only ate meat
Yeah, you're probably right. I take it you are using the same pellets as the store? Is your water the same as their's was? Maybe try live food, like worms.
Sorry i toke so long to reply it might take them a bit of time to get used to the pellets but depending on its age it wont eat alot if its young u might want to feed it half a tablet everyday until it is bigger tablet of meat such as blood worm or beaf heart u dont need to get worried yet they can go a long time with out food and just to let u no the gravel is a big no if u ask any1 who has hyad axolotls a knows wat they are doing they will say no about the gravel u have to get rid of it

listen to Clay, gravel and axolotls are a no no. I'd try some earthworms, maybe some mussel, but like clay says don't worry too much at the moment, it could just be stressed from being moved, and it has eaten a little.
I already solve the gravel issue, i have layed slate over the top of it, the gravel cant get through dont worry.
Seidge, if your axolotl is an adult, he only needs to be fed about 2-3 times a week. He also could be bit nervous still about moving house. Axolotls can go up to one month without eating. As I see you are in the UK, main worry is your tank temperature. If the temperature goes to 24C or over for more than a few days, the axolotl gets ill, and may even die. And don't give him peas etc, as you said they are carnivorous. For more info on axolotls check:

Good luck with your new axie friend :)
yeh i have been really worried about temparuture. Its sitting at 24 degrees but yestersday started climbing. I floated some ice packs on top and have air pump and fan pointed into tank to try and keep temparature stable.

My other fish tank with mollies is really suffering, i have taken the heater out but for some reason in this tank which is a simliar size to my axie temp went up to 30 degrees, now my mollies have got the shimmies and 1 is standing on his nose at the bottom.
can i try it on liver that you would get from the butchers? this seems a lot easier to get hold of than beef heart. Also i dont see how people feed these creatures by hand, mine wont come near me and i dont think it will eat food off the surface either

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