Tropical V Coldwater


New Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Wasn't sure whether to put this in Tropical or Coldwater, so sorry if it's in the wrong place.

Just wondering what peoples opinions were on which are easier to look after for a beginner, Tropical or Coldwater?

I was planning to get a tropical tank with various tetras, but having look around other sites, I'm wondering if Coldwater fish would be easier for me to look after?

What are your thoughts?
Its all in what you want. I don't think either one is easier than the other. Just different. If your tank is small, you're more likely to find something small enough to be comfortable if you go with tropical, since there are more options. That said, a small coldwater tank would be nice with some ghost shrimp, mystery snails, and white clouds. Goldfish and dojo loaches, two coldwater fish I wouldn't mind having, grow fairly large. Its all in what you like. Get exactly what you want (if it is compatible), otherwise you'll be going out to get another tank in a few months.
I'd say tropical is easier because the fish are a lot more interesting (I find coldwater somewhat boring) and keep you motivated.
try some white clouds to beging with, there very hardy and will easily adapt so if you want to start keeping tropical fish slowly turn the temperature up, mine started off at about 16C and now sit at around 33C and there all fine and dandy.

all the best :good:
mine started off at about 16C and now sit at around 33C and there all fine and dandy.

33degC, is that a misstype?!

I have both in my living room, there really is no difference apart from the heater! Go to an aquatic shop and check out the different fish and decide which you prefer. (probably tropical!)
you could probably keep danios in coldwater tank and upgrade later, especially since the weather is so good, room temp is about 22 degrees at the moment. Danios are very hardy they could probably live in toliet water, not that i'm suggesting that :sick:
you could probably keep danios in coldwater tank and upgrade later, especially since the weather is so good, room temp is about 22 degrees at the moment. Danios are very hardy they could probably live in toliet water, not that i'm suggesting that :sick:

An idea for a weird tank though!
She didnt ask for an idea for a weird tank

Um, in that case she didn't ask if you can put danios in cold water. She asked which which is easier to look after, cold or tropical.
generaly speaking
fish that live in cold water have less efficient gills than those that live in tropical waters; therfor they produce more ammonia than tropical fish do.
this is because there is more dissolved oxygen in cold water
and their gills do not have to be that efficent to be able to live.

for that reason I say that cold water fish are harder to keep than tropicals
I'd say cold water are easier to keep, you don't have to worry that your heater might go on the fritz and you don't know till the fish start dropping off, plus they just seem to be able to take more accidental abuse than tropicals.

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