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  1. M

    Adding A 2nd Filter

    Well i have a Juwel vision 260l tank. Cycled and all that complete with fish. Now im thinking about adding an external filter to co-operate with my internal "factory" Juwel filter. Trouble is, do i buy the external filter to the specification that it needs to be sufficent to filter aquariums up...
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    How Do I Get Them To School Or Is It Schoal//

    To be honest fella, i read somewhere (musta been on this forum) that fish in an aquarium dont really exhibit shoaling behavior, cant remember why though.... :X
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    Really Stupid Question..

    Ah well buddy... not to worry! Dont think your fish will come to any harm... :thumbs:
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    Can They All Fit?

    Man, cant believe you wrote that.. ok ok, perhaps i didnt make it crystal! I suggested taking those fish that he has now back to the shop & relpacing them with neons or guppys! Give the fella plenty of time when hes looking after all those little fellas to make his mind up about other fish &...
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    Biggest Fish

    Youve just read my mind - i was gonna write that! :lol:
  6. M

    How Did You Find This Forum?

    I think i Googled it! Im still here because the folks are friendly & the advice is good! :thumbs:
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    Ok, Heres A Bit Of A Mad One!

    Thank you so so much guys, your help and advice is greatly appreciated on here... So glad i can come on here and get good solid advice! :D
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    Whats Good For My Jd & Green Terror?

    Great if u could - id love to see that!! :thumbs:
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    Stocking My Tank..

    I dont think id put the betta with male guppies anyway... You should go to the betta forum on here to ask the experts about that though! Perhaps they would be better to advise you on tankmates :thumbs:
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    Ok, Heres A Bit Of A Mad One!

    Thanks very much A.D.! Someone chatting sense at last! I bought a new test kit yesterday, a good tetra kit one it was £6.00! It says it is 5.0 same as my old test did. So im thinking thats definately wat it is... NOw, there is nothing left in the tank to make the pH stay so low, like you say...
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    Ok, Heres A Bit Of A Mad One!

    Does anyone know??? :crazy:
  12. M

    Can They All Fit?

    Man, ive been keeping fish for a few years now and still wouldnt keep discus! Have a read about them somewhere! The fact that this woman sold you these fish is a joke. Not your fault buddy, after all she is the one that's supposed to know. Take them all back to the store & get your money back...
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    Ok, Heres A Bit Of A Mad One!

    Ok! Sounds good to me... Now i have a major problem & saying as you know about pH im hoping you can help. I have a jewul vision 260 tank for the past 3 years fully cycled and all that jazz... I recently tested my water and it was reading 5.0. I know this is because i recently added bogwood (for...
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    Ok, Heres A Bit Of A Mad One!

    Good stuff! Thanks for your SPEEDY help! That is mad eh? Hope some others post results & maybe some one can shed a bit of light on it!!! :S
  15. M

    Ok, Heres A Bit Of A Mad One!

    Ive just tested the pH of my COLD tap water and it sits at 6.0. Then i tested the pH of my HOT tap water and it is 7.0. Has anyone else ever tested hot & cold tap water??? What the heck is going on??? :crazy: ANYONE FANCY DOING A TEST AND PUTTING THE RESULTS ON HERE???
  16. M

    My First African Tank...

    Yeah thanks... I have an internal filter, if you look closely at the tank you can see the black box on the left hand side. Im seriously not that stupid, just because im not the best designer, doesnt mean to say i dont know to put a filter in my tank. Thanks for your comments anyway guys. Will...
  17. M

    Will My Shark Fit

    Yes, sounds like a Bala Shark to me. These are indeed shoaling fish to be kept in groups of at least 3. In the wild they can grow to 14" though it is usually around 1/2 this in an aquarium. Still, way too big for your tank... So i wouldnt get one if i were you :no:
  18. M

    My First African Tank...

    Yeah, ive only had them about 2 weeks now. I have 3 of them and i know that for 3 of them my tank could be bigger. The tank is in the kitchen and tbh im never really at home a lot & if i am im on my computer in a different room! Still, i love keeping fish, but i guess they are jus still gettin'...
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    Look At My Jd!

    Thanks dudes! Thats a nice fish u got there too buddy! :thumbs:
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    My First African Tank...

    You know what... I never got round to asking 'em! :lol:
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    Milky/murky Water

    Ive been cleaning the outside of my tanks for about 2 years now with just normal glass cleaner... Spray some onto a bit of kitchen roll so your not spraying it near your tank, and just wipe it clean - no worries!! :thumbs:
  22. M

    Look At My Jd!

    Ok, ok, i know that you all know what a Jack Dempsy looks like... Still i couldnt help but post a piccy of mine on here. Hes about 4" and still quite young. I love him, hes cool. What do you guys think? :thumbs:
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    My First African Tank...

    Well heres my first attempt at an mbuna tank. I have 3 Yellow labs. What do u guys think?
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    How Small!

    what a load of twaddle. Stupid tanks for ignorant people... :grr:
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    Have You Ever Had A Fishy Dream?

    Folks - we are mad!! :hey:
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    Milky/murky Water

    Good, glad to hear your water is almost perfect again Courtnie! :thumbs:
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    Clicking Sounds From A Clown Loach

    Yip, I have heard balas clicking too! I have been told that Clowns also do this :)
  28. M

    Fish Constantly At Surface Since This Afternoon

    My thoughts exactly! Actual oxygen absorbed into the water is minimal, its when the bubbles break the surfave that things happen :hey:
  29. M

    So This Ebay Tank Looks Like A Good Deal.....

    Kinda reminds me of an advert i saw in a store once. "Buy this cardboard box and get a free 50 inch plasma HDTV inside, only £3000". Ok fair enough... But its all just a bit ar$e about face... :X Its a stupid gimmick that you should catch onto if youre not a dunce. If hes willing to employ...
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    Milky/murky Water

    :kewlpics: Glad to hear it could be clearing already! Hope all goes well, and like i said... let me know how you get on... :thumbs:
  31. M

    Milky/murky Water

    Sorry Courtnie, i dont mean to sound like im saying you dont look after your tank. Im not sayin that at all. Now, about this learning thing... I meant that you would learn yourself about bacterial blooms. e.g. If it did clear within 1-5 days WITHOUT you doing anything then you would have...
  32. M

    Milky/murky Water

    ok, well whatever you think best. This is how we learn. :) Personally, i cant see the bloom clearing within 5 days by itself, HOWEVER... Stranger things have happened ;) good luck! P.S. KEEP US INFORMED!
  33. M

    Milky/murky Water

    Yeah, for deffs, sounds like a bacterial bloom! Do a google and educate yourself on this annoying topic :grr: Id listen to cujoho78 on how to deal with this problem. I wont repeat what hes just told you. Hope it clears up soon! :crazy:
  34. M

    Bala Shark

    Well i have 2 balas, about 5" long and i keep them with a jack dempsy, green terror & a tiger tilapia. Rougly all fish are the same size. They are not aggressive with anything, aprt from each other sometimes :huh:. I keep mine in a 60 gal and they eat jus about anything. Cichlid pellets, flake...
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    My Corys

    That'll be it then - thank you :)
  36. M

    My Corys

    Well, i have 5 what i think are emerald green corys. Ive had them for about 2 years and to be honest i have never really paid much attention to them. They are in a big 260l tank and they live with a 3" green terror, 4" jack dempsy & a 6" tiger tilipia. I jus want to know why one looks so wide...
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    So This Ebay Tank Looks Like A Good Deal.....

    Good Man - report that sucker! I use eBay quite a lot and that so sounds like unfair advertising!!! :angry: Check out his 0 feedback too! This guy sounds like a gangster!!
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    Square One (again)

    Be careful on the betta front!!! Go to the betta section on this forum to get help from the experts!!! ;)
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    Ok To Delay Weekly Partial Water Change?...

    Sounds ok to me buddy... I am sure everything will be fine for a few weeks & at worst a month, eh? Ive been away on holidays b4 for almost a month an i just had my dad feed the fish. The water hadnt been changed and all my fish were fine when i got back! Just resume your changes as normal :thumbs:
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    Have to agree with Ami - for deffo its gotta be my air pumps! :angry: