39 gall tank external filter heater
10 neon tetra and 8 black neon
and 3 mollys pot belly_
1 gouriami (dwarf) and 3 corys
1st queston
why arnt they schooling
how do i get them to school
2nd corys ......
can a bronze be alone with 3 albino?
back to the neon s
iv been told that they only school when they feel threatend
is there another alternative?
lets see if you can asnwer this one....
thanks for all of those that do
dude out
10 neon tetra and 8 black neon
and 3 mollys pot belly_
1 gouriami (dwarf) and 3 corys
1st queston
why arnt they schooling
how do i get them to school
2nd corys ......
can a bronze be alone with 3 albino?
back to the neon s
iv been told that they only school when they feel threatend
is there another alternative?
lets see if you can asnwer this one....
thanks for all of those that do
dude out