Biggest Fish

My 12" Goldfish that was given to me by a neighbour a couple of years after he'd one it from a fair! It came in a small bowl which it had out grown so was given a bigger one which it out grew again and then he had a 4ft tank all to himself!

He was called Jaws as he loved to eat and would grab your finger if you put it in the tank with him!
i had a barramundi(Australian native), and he out grew the tank (3 foot tank), but i guess that's what happens when you only feed him on gold fish. but he was a cool fish. i have a movie of him swimming around with a tetra stuck in his's a little sick but i got over it pretty quickly.

i'll try and find it soon and post it.

My biggest fish is long fin zebra danio (female) which is about 1.5 inches haha..

But Our family used to have a koi with us (for 4 years+) He died last months... He was 16 inches long. Biggest among all koi inside the monster tank (180 gallons).

6 years ago there was even a monster koi(in my point of view) inside my family fish tank, (at that point I were studying and not really care about what my father brought home into our fish tank) "Potato" was 24 inches long

I have photo of the koi that just dead but didn't take any photo of Potato though :( (if somebody can tell me how to upload a photo in here, I would post hehe. I don't see the attachment box like I used to see)
our biggest fish at the mo is a commom plec about 10 ins
i cant post a piccie as i dont know how :(

its the fish in my avater
My biggest has to be my Synodontis decorus catfish

he is around 8 inches at the mo! :D

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