Square One (again)


New Member
Jul 3, 2005
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Okinawa, Japan
My son's Black Moor succumbed to Ich. We had been treating daily is Ich Clear and 35% water changes. I believe he may have actually fallen prey to something else as the Ich seemed to be clearing up.

The only remaining inhabitants of the 10G US tank are a couple of ghost shrimp who seem to be doing just fine. I'd like to try something other than goldfish, as a 10G is really too small; and I'd like to move on as prudently as possible, as my 2 yr old keeps asking where "Fat Bob" is and "Fat Bob went bye-bye" isn't really making him feel better.

What should I do to get the tank prepared for fish after this? If I need to totally detox the tank and start over, I don't know what I should do with the shrimp (who are actually named Juan and Two) who are just as much my son's as the fish was.

Also, looking for suggestions for hardy, colorful, active fish that might be able to survive the occasional toy being dropped in the tank by the 2 yr old.

A Simease Fighting Fish would be a good addition - there colourful, quite hardy and will look good in almost any tank.

Just make sure you get a male (They tend to look better) and also, although it may seem obvious - ONLY get ONE male!
A Simease Fighting Fish would be a good addition - there colourful, quite hardy and will look good in almost any tank.

Just make sure you get a male (They tend to look better) and also, although it may seem obvious - ONLY get ONE male!
Be very careful with Bettas and tank mates. They are slow moving and have bright fins, which many fish find a little too tempting. Also, they are agressive and can fight other fish.
Is your tank fully cycled? also, i noticed you said before you had goldfish, which are generally cold wate. Do you have a heater avaliable?

The tank is cycled (which is why I'd rather not start from scratch) and yes I have a heater. It came with the aquarium, but I've never used it (goldfish).

I know a bit about the fighting fish (one male only), but I've heard they can be a bit sedentary. Resting a lot on plants and ornaments and the like. My son used to play chase with the goldfish (put his face by one end of the tank and the fish would come to him, then he'd run to the other end). Would a Siamese do something like that or be that interactive?
My bettas all swim over to me when i come around. If i put my finger on the glass, they will chase it around the tank, and also flare at it. They also love to play chase when i clean their tanks out. They really are characters.

The only time I have seen bettas act listless is when they are in too small of a tank or when the water is too cold.
black mollies are supposed to be fish that will swim around a lot and follow ur finger and real active and come to u wen u peak inn
Be careful on the betta front!!! Go to the betta section on this forum to get help from the experts!!! ;)
I think I'm going to go with the bettas, as they are more easily available. To that end, I'll head to the betta section to get some more info.

But I'm still looking for some help on how to treat my tank post Ich. Would a few more days Ich Clear, followed by some antifungal do the trick? How long should I wait before restocking?

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