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  1. K

    Finished w/ the female community!!!

    Nice!! how big is it :cool:
  2. K

    Just did my first water change...

    Stress bars... Borrowed picture from Veen (dont sue me!) The betta coloration flushes showing horizontal lines.
  3. K

    "Wild" male bettas?

    I think they are just plakats and the store owner doesn't know the word for short tail bettas... So thinking of the best thing, he went for "wild" bettas.
  4. K

    Another one of Mayo's biggi bubblenest

    Looks like an angel lol
  5. K

    Getting A Picture Into Your Signature for Dummies

    how do you change that text above the avatar?
  6. K

    Just did my first water change...

    Hmm not if you acclimate properly. Dont rush it.
  7. K

    Dragon Goby

    Dang what do you feed him?!?! Prisoners?? all joking aside hes one beautiful (and scary lookin) fish!!
  8. K


    Funny story!! Although you might wanna check for the ovipositor becuase some females do make bubble nests. could you post a picture?
  9. K


    It is advised. How I punch holes is I use a knife and hold the top over the stove for like 5 minutes. And then I jam the tip through the top of the lid (should go like butter if it is plastic) and twist the knife around untill I made a nice round hole. One hole should suffice for breathing...
  10. K


    I kept my bettas (with the exeption of my female comunity) in 1g kritter keepers with no heat and filtration for a long time now... I think a filter for anything under 5 gallon is superfluous. What I can stand is people who leave their jars bare with no hidey holes or deco... I mean come on...
  11. K

    My Little Charlie AND Jasper

    Wow you are a good photographer bettamomma!
  12. K


    You can get cheap plastic candy jars from your local 1$ dollar store, but you can also go online for beanie babies boxes like some breeders love. Personally I like to use critter keepers from petco or petsmart.
  13. K

    Trying to make a bubblenest?

    Usually when your betta is making a nest you will see him point his mouth to a specific place. Bettas sometimes take too much air per gulp so they have to realease it. That is probly what your betta is doing. Look at your betta when he is doing this. is his body at a steep angle like he is...
  14. K


    I remeber one of my females did that and my MG does that a lot (in fact he is doing it right now). They usually go up too th fron side of the tank and swim back and forth, I think it is a natural thing and it is healthier that a betta laying on the floor. IMO i think the betta is cheking out...
  15. K

    Bettas NATURAL habitat?

    here is a gallery from on the habitat of bettas. They live in the rice paddies or ponds and are usually covered in weeds. The water is very murky due to the dirt bottom. You could do a sand bottom to recreate the soft "dirt" feel. I...
  16. K

    im starting a website

    Duece looks stressed out... :unsure:
  17. K


    Make sure there a safe distance from finger tappers, crayon droppers, and glue eaters.... Kids can be brutal these days. :P
  18. K

    Office Betta

    Yeah my bettas like to sleep in the tubes. Every Morning when I turn the lights on, they come crawling out of their tubes like vampires :rolleyes: . IMO Bettas need a place to hide away from light and constant faces staring inside their tanks to relieve stress. In the wild, there are dense...
  19. K

    My 50 gallon

    Nice... Do you you not like substrate though?
  20. K

    im starting a website

    Ketchup Pepper Mustard
  21. K

    Office Betta

    Here is my Desk (you may have seen it in a different post)... Im still a high school kid and cant afford a lot like bettamomma, but my betta are still happy. ;)
  22. K

    question on bubbles in new tank

    Super saturation of oxygen bubbles... There are more bubbles if you use warmer water to fill up your tank because of the low threshold of oxygen. The warmer the the water the more bubbles and vice versa. I think it is kind of attractive or awhile... Somtimes the bubbles even stick to the...
  23. K

    Office Betta

    I dont have an office but I do have 3 bettas next to my monitor at home. They relieve a lot of stress from homework and stuff. I would imagine they would do miracles in an office enviorment to releive stress. I read somewhere that a lot of doctors and dentists put a fish tanks in their...
  24. K

    salt in betta tank

    When you add salt to H20, you get dissolved NA+ and Cl- ions in your water. This adds electrolytes that aid in the oxegen osmosis for most aquarium fish. Adding a little bit of salt also helps fight bacteria that are sensitive to even a little bit of salinity (like Ich). It may sound weird...
  25. K


    At my Thai LFS they upgraded theres for awhile now... This an example of their newer jars. YOu may have seen this picture from my earlier post. They are the same size as the new Walmart Jars and Those Petco ones. EDIT: I put the shorter one next to it to compare the sizes
  26. K

    What type of tail type

    That Looks so much like my male plakat too... Are u sure there is a Ovipositor? :/ The way the Dorsal Curves and the extended anal, and the small belly looks... I would say its a male. Do you have a pic of the Ovipositor? Then again plakats and females look so a like. :dunno:
  27. K

    Like to hide?

    Most bettas hide behind filters to hide rid of the stupid current... on the other hand all my betta tanks have PVC hidey hole that they like a lot.. get the T shaped ones, they are the best. They will have lots of fun with the T tubes. Clay post look nice but not as fun for bettas because there...
  28. K

    Java Ferns and current

    My Ferns have brown spots too... From what I hear it is a normal characteristic of the Plant, kinda like polka dots. I may be Wrong, Could someone clarify. :dunno:
  29. K

    Pics of your betta tanks

    Lol yeah... I wasn't just randomly surfing the internet :whistle:
  30. K

    Bubble nests

    This is what my betta's tank has: This is not a bubble nest... it is just random bubbles from surface breathing. EDIT: there is a bubble nest in my signature above my CT, it should look like that.
  31. K

    Pics of your betta tanks

    filter system: I dont use filters for anything smaller than 10 Gallon heater system : Same for heaters Deco: Java Fern and Plastic Plants, River Rocks (I hate gravel), and a PVC hidey hole for each tank fish in tank: Pepper (Plakat) Mustard (MG Super Delta)...
  32. K

    Bubble nests

    one of my betta's tank gets those small bubbles... ITs not a bubble nest, it is just bubbles that escape from his mouth from regular labyrinth breathing, they dont pop but congregate together from the surface tension. When you have a bubble nest, you will know it is a nest. When you 10...
  33. K

    Moving to a New Tank

    I think Bettamomma's problem was her current in the 5 gallon... not the size. My friend's 5 gallon had this filter current problem, but he fixed it by putting a sponge over the output, this diffuses the current and his betta is really happy and now he has a really tall bubble nest.
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    New Thai Plakat!!

    Thanks Cation, your new plakat also looks very pretty! Sorry to hear about Spazz :byebye:
  35. K

    New Thai Plakat!!

    LOL, maybe he's half crown, half giant, and half plakat... that would make him 1.5 Giant crown plakat. :crazy: J/K I want go get more java fern to spice up his home a littlebit more, thanks for the comments. PS I decided to get a plakat after BKK's thailand fish market post with all those...
  36. K

    New Thai Plakat!!

    Yesterday i went to the swapmeet with my cousin and found a 1 gallon glass fish bowl for 2 bucks! So I to buy it and a new fish. So I went to my Thai LFS and saw they had a new shipment of thai plakats. So i decided to get one. This guy is pretty huge, these pictures dont do him justice...
  37. K

    Pics of my male betta!

    Cover Cover Cover!!! You wouldn't want your betta on the floor dead. :no:
  38. K

    My new bettas have arrived!!!

    YAY MGs! I love MGs, maybe because i have one of my own (in avatar) :hey: :cool:
  39. K

    my custom 75gal

    your betta will hate you for putting him in such a strong current... Buy a 1gallon goldfish bowl, and keep him in there, he might forgive you.
  40. K

    Claris Cat

    looks like an arowana crossed with a cat. Nice!