Bubble nests


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
If you keep a male betta in a tank with a strong current destroying any chance of him making a bubble nest, for about 6 months then switch him to a tank without a current can he build a normal bubble nest still?

I find that my male betta made a small bubble nest when he was in his 2 gallon bowl but it was TINY only probably about 10-20 bubbles in a little corner near the plants. Now that he is in his 10 gallon with no current there is another TINY bubble nest. And he looks like he is trying so hard to make one, but lately he has been acting so tired and lathargic. Could it be that he is trying to hard to make the "perfect" bubble nest? Whenever he makes his tiny bubble nests I give him a few bloodworms as a treat and tell him it looks AMAZING! And I tell him how much I love it and that it is perfect. I don't think he actually understands me, but he thanks me for the treats. :p

Do male betta's act tired after making a bubble nest? :dunno:
one of my betta's tank gets those small bubbles... ITs not a bubble nest, it is just bubbles that escape from his mouth from regular labyrinth breathing, they dont pop but congregate together from the surface tension. When you have a bubble nest, you will know it is a nest. When you 10 bubbles... its nuthing special. I could be wrong though, if you see him actually going up for air and planting his bubbles in a certain place then he is making a bubble nest. But if you water conditions are right there is no reason why a betta should have trouble makeing one. On the other hand some bettas dont make bubble nests until they are breeding. about 1/4 of my bettas dont make bubble nests. This doesn't mean they are not healthy, it is just that they choose not too.
I hate to "burst your bubble :rolleyes: ", but I think Kage is right.

Tomorrow I'll post a pic of Harvey's bubblenest here. It's about 3/4 of an inch high and about as round as a tennis ball or so. Now THAT is a great nest. None of my other boys, except Amos have ever made that big of nests.

ON the other hand....
it is very possible that your boy could be making a tiny nest, too, it's hard to tell. Can you post a picture of it???

To answer your question, if/when he gets to the point where he's really comfy with his tank and surroundings, it is entirely possible, and very probable for him to build a bubblenest like none you've ever seen before. :)
No the nest is in one corner and it is thick but only about 20-50 bubbles at the most. :dunno: Then there is a smaller one with like 10-20 bubbles could it be the same nest but broken apart?
This is what my betta's tank has:


This is not a bubble nest... it is just random bubbles from surface breathing.

EDIT: there is a bubble nest in my signature above my CT, it should look like that.
Raech - it sounds like he's starting to build a good one.
Just give him some time.
If your boy is like mine, he will stop working on it and just stare at me and beg for attention when I'm around - the nests come when they're left alone.
Man, you should see Harvey's right now.. lol
Here's Harvey's nest from the top:

and from underneath (he's very proud of it - he swam into the picture just before I snapped it :rolleyes: ):

It doesn't look nearly as big from underneath because of the distortion and angle. It's about 1/2 - 3/4 inch thick. ;)

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