
Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
:D It's not as durastic as it sounds, actually! :p I have a 2.5gal tank that has (what I thought was) 3 female bettas in it. They were in my 45gal, but they didn't like it because there was a current from the air stone. So I bought them their own tank, and they are now fine. Well, in my 5gal that houses my male crowntail betta, I have just spawned him. Yesterday, I put the female back into the 2.5gal, and noticed that there was a bubblenest in there too! It wasn't a 'normal' one though. It is a sort of lump that sticks out of the water, but obviously made from bubbles. I've realised that my biggest, most colourful 'female' is actually a male! Should I buy him his own tank? He has been in this tank for a few months now though.
HAHAHAHA :lol: . That happened to so many people because they bought the wrong sex or something of that sort. Always check the ovistor (white dot under belly but u probably know that already) when you buy a betta =]
You have a 2.5 with three female bettas (well, 2 ladies and a male)? :crazy:

I hope they're fry, and if they're not, I'm flat out stunned that in such a tiny tank, they've not killed each other. I would def. get a new tank for the male, then watch the two females to make sure they don't start fighting, as removing him might upset their dominance structure. But, as already said, check for the ovipositor; I have a female that bubblenests, and several other people have mentioned theirs doing it as well.
I would highly suggest you get a new tank for your females

A 2.5 is a good home for one betta but by no means more than that..
Well unless you divide it :p
Maybe your female just can't wait for a male to come around that she decided to make her own nest??? :D
I would have to say I agree with Idolz, you may want to consider a new tank for the females, once you verify the male is actually male by the lack of ovipositor. :crazy: That's twice today that I've agreed with him... what's the world coming to? :blink: :p :lol: Anyway, good luck.
How about put the 3 females in the 5 gallon and put the male in the 2.5 tank :thumbs: .

I also have females that make bubble's no wonder though, I'm sure they get bored sometimes. :lol:
three's a bad number for females - two will gang up on one and beat her up, most of the time. I would recommend minimum 4 female bettas, in a 10g tank min. Expect fighting if you have less females or less space.
:X Doh!
I'll sort out the tanks - somehow. :D
Thinking about it though, he/she can't be a male - because in the 45gal they were in previously, there was male guppies amoung the other fish, and they would have fought wouldn't they?! :blink:
:lol: Hahaha!
And I'll try and post a pic!

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