

Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
These are Tuesday's (my kiddo's) classroom bettas. Of course they're originally mine but I don't feel like they are anymore :look: They've been spending this week with us because of Spring Break. All of my bettas are stashed away out of sight,but these guys have been on my end table for a week now and I have to admit...they're a joy to have around :wub:
I've grown sort of attached to them, watching them flare and strut and such,but unfortunately they have to go back on Monday :whistle:
Is it wrong to want to keep them? :eek: :lol:



*ignore the spotty tanks :p

I think I'll hook them up with some cute decor before they go back :wub: 'm sure I have some silk plants they can have.
lol, oh they're fine. They've been living at the school for months now and my daughter makes sure no one taps :lol:

I went to Open House a few weeks ago and noticed lots of the kids bringing their parents over to show them the fish in "science center" :wub:
But I'll still be sorry to see them go. I'm wondering if the teacher will give them back after the school year,of course she's welcome to keep them but since the whole spring break episode I get the feeling that she's not a full fledged fish person :p

Your son wouldn't tell, would he?
Daughter,and she'd rat me out before I knew what was what :lol: I was carrying them to the bathroom the other day for a water change and she thought I was taking them to the fish room, she yelled "No mom!! They'll get lost in there!" :lol:
Hehe, the fish room of no return. Wouldn't it be sad if they accidentaly were out in the accidental divided 2.5g that was accidently put there completely by accident?
:eek: o that would be terrible!!!!!!!!! but it wouldent happen cause she is very careful about wich fish she puts 2.5 gallon tanks ........ unless it waz completly and totaly by accedent wic if that happened we would tell no body :lol: :lol: :lol:

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