Pics of my male betta!


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida




Is that bowl big enough for him to be happy in? I was thinking the strong current in the 10 gallon was making him stressed and causing his fins to turn black or maybe it was the filter intake tube?

The bowl is about 1.5-2 gallons.
littlefishie said:
If you take some of the gravel out he'll have more swimming room. :thumbs:

Gorgeous betta, though!
I just took out half of the gravel, it had more than that in it! I will try to take some more out but then I will have problems keeping the moneywort plant grounded. :no: :dunno:
You can use rocks to weigh the plant roots down. I also have moneywort in my tank, and I've been using river rocks to keep the roots weighed down until they get far enough in the sand that I don't need the rocks.

Why not put the moneywort in first and put the gravel on top of it? It's better than smushing the plant down in there. :thumbs:
littlefishie said:
You can use rocks to weigh the plant roots down. I also have moneywort in my tank, and I've been using river rocks to keep the roots weighed down until they get far enough in the sand that I don't need the rocks.

Why not put the moneywort in first and put the gravel on top of it? It's better than smushing the plant down in there. :thumbs:
Okay I will try that. :thumbs: I don't have any rocks..well I do but I found them laying around the house and don't know if they are 100% safe for a tank. I tried the white vinegar on them and they didn't fiz but I am not 100% sure of putting them in there. I have large marbles that are in my 120 gallon? Would that work?
If the vinegar didn't fizz you should be safe.
Hell, I stole my rocks from the university.. they're the decorative ones that are in gardens and stuff.. they didn't fizz and they've been in my tank since the beginning of January with no complications.

Though marbles would probably work too. You just need something heavier to keep the plant in there.
Is the moneywart the plant? I have never had a betta, but really am thinking of getting one...and read they'd like a plant or two.....can you plant a real one in gravel? I really have no interest in a real plant...I can barely keep my houseplants alive.....but then I would need something to clean up in there too, wouldn't I? Just curious what the plant is...

GrullaQuarters said:
Is the moneywart the plant? I have never had a betta, but really am thinking of getting one...and read they'd like a plant or two.....can you plant a real one in gravel? I really have no interest in a real plant...I can barely keep my houseplants alive.....but then I would need something to clean up in there too, wouldn't I? Just curious what the plant is...

Yep, that's a moneywort plant..

Though if you have trouble keeping houseplants alive, you might want to go for Java Fern.. Much harder to kill.

And a snail works wonders for cleaning up.
very pretty! he looks like my boy with shorter fins lol the colouring its just about right on though :D


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:nod: I just switched the picky little fellow to sand. :nod: I just took some sand out of my 120 gallon and cleaned the gravel out of the 2 gallon bowl and added sand. It compacts more and gives him more swimming room. Then I added some bright purple gravel in there on top of the sand (just like a small handful of it) to make it look more colorful. :thumbs:
fishy_blue_bubbles said:
very pretty! he looks like my boy with shorter fins lol the colouring its just about right on though :D
He is kind of like that but yours look more green! Mine has a deep purple/blue in his fins. I sure hope he does okay...maybe he will even make a bubblenest now without a current! :wub:

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