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  1. jonnyf84

    Characodon Audax

    i know exactly what your saying pippoodle and i couldn't agree more, thats why i want to make sure. One of my male nezzies is a horny little bugger i swear last week it looks like he was trying his luck with a rummy nose :lol: he was flashing and kept trying to edge in on the Rummys side :rofl...
  2. jonnyf84

    Characodon Audax

    OK i may have the chance to get some of these in the not to distant future, just wondering if anyone has any experience with them and can pass on some tips. Also, i was thinking of housing them with my X. Nezahualcoyotl but i'm slightly worried that they may cross breed - could this happen...
  3. AT01_0015.jpg


  4. jonnyf84

    Polythene Fish Bags

    what do you breed bungy?
  5. jonnyf84

    My First Aquascape Finally Coming Together

    thanks snowflake, it could be much better, it just looks a little scrappy at the moment, i'm waiting for some new plants so when they arrive i'll give it a good prune and re arrange a few things.
  6. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Puffers..

    hey youngfisher, i started this post a while back, thought you might like a look at my puffer tank to get some idea of what they need:
  7. jonnyf84

    My New Dwarf Puffer Tank

    just updated the the pic so thought i'd bump it up.
  8. jonnyf84

    My First Aquascape Finally Coming Together

    New 10 week picture is on the the first post. Also updated the pic of my puffer tank. There should be a positive change in the next couple of weeks so i'll keep updating, also waiting for my koralia 2 pump which should help with healthy growth. Enjoy :rolleyes:
  9. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Puffers..

    you dont have to keep them in the fridge, it just holds there nutritional value better. for 3 puffers 1 block is plenty, and try not to feed the same stuff for all three or four meals, variety is key.
  10. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Puffers..

    yes, the majority of mine is frozen food simply because its a hassle going to pick up fresh live food every couple of days. yes they will last longer simply because there is no point in feeding live food if its over a few days old. A little tip, keep live food in the fridge, it becomes more...
  11. jonnyf84

    Slimey Wood!

    to be honest i dont know what it is but its perfectly normal when wood is first submerged, sometimes it is just slimey but others there can be patches of mold on it, it doesn't cause any damage and it goes itself although sometimes wood can be slimey in a established aquarium due to algae and...
  12. jonnyf84

    Polythene Fish Bags

    can you post the link please.
  13. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Puffers..

    the problem with live food is thats its only good for a couple of days after the lfs has bought it, after that it loses a lot of its nutritional value - especially brine shrimp which aren't that nutrious to begin with. I feed mine a varied diet of red and black bloodworm, daphnia, tubiflex...
  14. jonnyf84

    New To The Forum

    very nice. yup just keep trimming it, thats all you can do, it will grow back greener depending on light.
  15. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Puffers..

    puffers or the filter??? puffers are ok but you need to keep them in pristene water, any traces of ammonia or nitrite or high nitrates, sudden ph or kh change really upsets them. The filters are very reliable.
  16. jonnyf84

    Help Needed Advice On Dwarf Puffers

    1 pair would require around 40L with lots of plants or/and ornaments to break the line of site, they occasionaly take flake food but it is frowned upon, snails are there favourite treat but they need a more varied diet than just snails, use frozen and live foods as well. search the forum for...
  17. jonnyf84

    New Tank Pic

    looks much better with the dark substrate, is that vallis real? its incredibly green, well if it is the tank will look much nicer once it reaches the surface. And tell me to shut up if you like but if you moveall the wood 5 inches to the left or right it will look much better, the middle block...
  18. jonnyf84

    New To The Forum

    Welcome to TFF Gankeddd, all sounds good to me, good choice with the GBR's - beautiful fish. I think you might stick with this forum as IMO its the best around, everyone is really friendly and theres so much knowledge that you can't go wrong. Would love to see some pics of your setups.
  19. jonnyf84

    Extremely Cloudy Tank

    just a quickie cos i didn't realise it was columnaris, i dose pimafix and myxazin - works a treat.
  20. jonnyf84

    Extremely Cloudy Tank

    i always run the water through carbon (make sure its fresh carbon) 24 hours after the last dose, same with water changes. good luck.
  21. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Puffers..

    very good point karigupi, they really do love there snails aye :lol: they can only really tackle the small ones though, i have a tiny 10L tank that i raise snails in for them and it pays dividends, even a washing up bowl or something like that would be fine, you'l get a better breeding rate if...
  22. jonnyf84

    Extremely Cloudy Tank

    i'm no expert on meds and there effect on water quality but with doing regular water changes like this it is very likely the cloudiness is due to a bacterial bloom in which case its nothing to worry about, i get them quite a lot in my fry tubs because i change 50% every 2 days, i could be...
  23. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Puffers..

    1.) no, with puffers out of site really is out of mind, they would naturally prefer real plants but its no biggy, you just need to make sure there is plenty of obstruction to the line of sight. 2.) yes, not needed though as long as you have a little surface agitation from your filter, they...
  24. jonnyf84

    Gouramis Getting Aggressive

    are they reasonably new to the tank? what sex are they?
  25. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Gourami..

    :lol: good choice man, very interesting and inquisitive fish.
  26. jonnyf84

    Rotala Nanjenshan

    :rofl: haha thanks, i just couldn't resist. great, thanks aaron, i'll be ordering some with my next batch.
  27. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Gourami..

    and through a damn site more experience than most i disagree. Personnel opinion.
  28. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Gourami..

    again i'm not so sure this is completely true, i cant say with cardinals because i've never kept them but i have added neons to a new setup on at least 5 occasions and they've been absolutely fine, i lost one or two but that can happen with any fish. You might be right about the congos though...
  29. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Gourami..

    not true.
  30. jonnyf84

    Co2 Added.... Algae Usual?

    no you don't :lol: If you want a heavily planted tank you will need a tad more WPG than that, the good news is theres lots of choice out there, try looking into the Hagen GLO T5HO, good value and the quality is second to none, its a luminaire too so it looks sweet. No worries keenonfish, i...
  31. jonnyf84

    Tank Cleaners?

    ah your talking about the tank size, must have missed that bit :lol: as far as the title of 'clean up crew' goes though they certainly would keep it spick and span!!!
  32. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Gourami..

    40L Dwarf Puffers x 3/4 betta x 1 invert tank x (depends what inverts) dwarf frogs x 2/3 micro rasbora x 6/8 (galaxy rasbora would be nice) rams (german not bolivian) x 1 pair small tetra's (neon, cardinal, rummy nose, black neon, ember, glowlight etc) x 6 (they would survive but really require...
  33. jonnyf84

    Dwarf Gourami..

    ^^^ :lol: 40l is a little small, besides IMO there are many more interesting fish to keep in a 40l
  34. jonnyf84

    Messy Fish?

    plecs and shrimp, plecs especially, i breed common plecs so the breeding tubs don't have substrate and you would be amazed how much crap builds up, mounds of the stuff, its unbelievable!
  35. jonnyf84

    Is This Combination Of Fish Okay?

    they'r all fine and would go together no problem, if you get a pair of cuckatoo's they will become aggressive if they breed and a adventurous barb might have a pop at them but been a cichlid they can give it back :lol: , the mollies and platys will breed like mad but, depending how heavily...
  36. jonnyf84

    Tank Cleaners?

    am i missing something obvious? all looks fine to me.
  37. jonnyf84

    Co2 Added.... Algae Usual?

    slightly, even for a heavily planted tank you will never need more than 9 hours light as long as you have decent lighting.
  38. jonnyf84

    Co2 Added.... Algae Usual?

    oooh keenonfish that one hurt :-( reduce your lighting mate, you dont need more than 6-7 hours on a lightly planted tank with co2.
  39. jonnyf84

    Co2 Added.... Algae Usual?

    how long are your lights on for per day? Lighting is low so i'm guessing you must have had it on for over 12 hours? The more plants the better when it comes to combating algae. I've find that easylife easycarbo is great for controlling algae if you haven't quite found that delicate balance of...
  40. jonnyf84

    What Fish Will Be Good?

    apistogramma sp. are sold widely, the most common of which are the cockatoos, most lfs' will sell these, borelli's are also quite common and if you get a good strain they are stunning fish. For 60l i would go for cichlids or dwarf puffer, the cichlids don't have to be apistogramma's, fish like...