Dwarf Gourami..

is a 40L tank big enough to keep a pair of dwarf gourami in?

yes, but make sure the water quality is perfect as they can be iffy as they are highly inbred.


EDIT: sorry thought it said 60L, 40L is a bit small, depends on the dimentions as there anabantoids so will stay near the surface levels
Jonny - Im begging you make me a list! I have a 40L and a 60L that I need to stock in a few weeks, and want interesting fish.
IME 40 ltr and 60 ltr too small for a male and female dwarf gourami the male gets too territorial and aggressive when spawning

i have 1 male and 5 females in a well plated 180 ltr tank and they do well in there but he still gets shirty with the females and chases them around - luckily i have lots of plants and hiding spaces for the girls to escape to

you could have 2 females in a 60 ltr or 1 male

or a small group 5 - 6 at a push of assorted honey or red robin (red honeys) gouramis
Jonny - Im begging you make me a list! I have a 40L and a 60L that I need to stock in a few weeks, and want interesting fish.


Dwarf Puffers x 3/4
betta x 1
invert tank x (depends what inverts)
dwarf frogs x 2/3
micro rasbora x 6/8 (galaxy rasbora would be nice)
rams (german not bolivian) x 1 pair
small tetra's (neon, cardinal, rummy nose, black neon, ember, glowlight etc) x 6 (they would survive but really require more space)
corys x 3
guppys x 5
platys x 5
endlers x 6
limia's (depends what type) x 3/4


as above but more numbers
pair of apistogrammas (dwarf cichlids, borelli's are my favourites)
dwarf gourami (you might get away with a pair but its pushing it)
Small ancistrus sp. (BN, golden nugget etc) x 1 (60L is pushing it a bit)
wider range of tetras (as above but also slight bigger sp. like emperor and congo)
Rasbora sp. (lots of choice)
swordtails (depends which sub sp. of xiphophorus, x 4/8)
white cloud minnows

there are many more but finding them is half the fun of fishkeeping, if you want 'interseting' then out of those two list i would go with dwarf puffer and cichlids.
I carnt get dwarf puffers as I have really fine gravel - and they require sand.
I would only put congo tetra in a larger tank as they get quite big, neons and cardinals are not very good in a new setup as they too are inbred.

again i'm not so sure this is completely true, i cant say with cardinals because i've never kept them but i have added neons to a new setup on at least 5 occasions and they've been absolutely fine, i lost one or two but that can happen with any fish. You might be right about the congos though, it'd be touch and go. More to the point regarding tetras, as i put in brackets, they are not ideal in smaller tank because they do need room to shoal or they become skittish even in larger numbers.

Gravel is fine for puffers.

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