New To The Forum


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Apr 29, 2009
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Hey all! Technically I'm not new to any kind of fish forum since I've bounced around from forum to forum for a while, but I am new to this forum, so yay. =P

At the moment I have a 20g fancy guppy setup and a 38g community tank setup so I'll go into detail what's in each.

My 20g used to be overpopulated by fancy guppies due to the mass amounts of females that grew up from existing fry in the tank, but the population has somehwat been controlled over the past couple of months somehow, so there's a good amount rather than too much. The only other fish that aren't guppies in that tank are the two albino corydoras I've had for almost four years this summer, which I'm somewhat proud of ;]. I really want to give the guppies to my LFS for credit (if it's possible, if not I don't mind not getting credit) and turn the tank into a bumblebee goby tank. I was planning on getting about 8 of them and switching my substrate to natural looking sand while decorating the rest of the tank with shells, caves, maybe a piece of driftwood, and some plants that they'd enjoy. I'm just not sure if they would bother my corydoras if I happen to put them all in the same tank, any ideas? If I end up moving the corydoras to my 38g, which I might do, I think I'll just add a little bit of marine salt to make it somewhat brackish so it's like their own natural environment. How does this sound guys? Next tank...

My 38g is full of life, even though I'm upset I can't take care of it while I'm at college. I have a school of about 10 neons, 8 pearl danios, a bolivian ram, a geophagus jurupari, a few red eye tetras and a cherry barb that life in there. I also grow a number of plants in there including java moss, java ferns, amazons, anubias and I had some watersprite until it died :[. I really enjoy this tank alot, even if I just sit there and observe for 5 minutes, it really is relaxing. I plan on cleaning it out over the summer, and probably giving it a new look, as well as trimming down some of the foliage. I'm probably going to end up bringing in my geophagus jurupari as well since he is getting a little big for the tank and it's a little unfair for him. If I get a good amount of credit, I'll probably exchange him for maybe some more neons or a ground cleanup crew since I don't have any kinds of catfish in that tank at the moment.

Next semester at college I plan on bringing up an empty 10g that I have in my basement with me and making a setup for about 3-4 german blue rams, since they're easy to maintain, small, and have incredibly vibrant colors. I already have it planned out that the substrate will be black sand, I'll add in a few plants for decor, as well as rocks and some caves. I still need to get a hold of a filter for that tank, as well as a heater for the winter. Any other ideas for what I should do?

Whew that was a mouthful. Hope to meet some friendly people on here =]].
Welcome to TFF Gankeddd, all sounds good to me, good choice with the GBR's - beautiful fish. I think you might stick with this forum as IMO its the best around, everyone is really friendly and theres so much knowledge that you can't go wrong. Would love to see some pics of your setups.
I have a few pictures from a little while ago of the tank and some fish, let me see if I can find a few:

This is the setup I have at the moment for my 38g

The Geophagus Jurupari:

Java Ferns anchored to a rock, the rubber bands aren't there anymore:

That's really the most recent I have, I'm still at school for another week but I'll take a few snapshots after I clean up the tank when I'm home.

I was actually wondering if anyone knows an easy way to clean java moss or to maintain the growth of it because it seems like mine is growing way too fast. Any pointers?
very nice. yup just keep trimming it, thats all you can do, it will grow back greener depending on light.
I can just trim it with scissors without harming it?
Great, I guess I'll have something to do when I get home ;D.

Another quick question, can corydoras survive in brackish conditions? And what plants do well in brackish conditions?
Great, I guess I'll have something to do when I get home ;D.

Another quick question, can corydoras survive in brackish conditions? And what plants do well in brackish conditions?
Not sure about the cories, but have a click on the link in my thread where it says "Plants and Cichlids" to get ideas for plants.

Great, I guess I'll have something to do when I get home ;D.

Another quick question, can corydoras survive in brackish conditions? And what plants do well in brackish conditions?
Not sure about the cories, but have a click on the link in my thread where it says "Plants and Cichlids" to get ideas for plants.


Thanks for the help with the cichlids, but what would you encourage for the goby setup? I'm not really keen on plants that survive in both brackish and freshwater.

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