What Fish Will Be Good?


Mar 30, 2009
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blandford, dorset
so i have a 60L tank measures 60x30x30. i have 3 albino corys and 2 Corydoras leucomelas( soon too make both groups 4 of each)
i was wandering if anyone has any suggestions for any other fish? it is well planted and i wanted some cherry and amano shrimp to go in there aswell.
any suggestions?? :good:
As it is well planted you might be able to get away with small to medium angelfish. Though you might get the problem with them getting too big. They should be fin with any other fish along as they dont have long fins. As the angels tend to nip. Or anything in the tank doesnt nip the angels fins. They will be alright with the corys, though you might want to check with someone else about the shrimp.

Another idea is a whole tank of plattys an guppys. They are colourful and intresting to watch. Or a mixture of different gouramis ?

I dont know... Get a few more views first I suppose :blush:
i doont really want platies or guppies as i have had both of these in the past. ive looked at angels and you need atleast a 18 inch tall tank so i think there a no no. i want something that shoals but something that does not get that big. i want something that is abit different.i like Lutino Neon Tetra but i dont know anywhere that stocks these.

any more suggestions
As it is well planted you might be able to get away with small to medium angelfish. Though you might get the problem with them getting too big. They should be fin with any other fish along as they dont have long fins. As the angels tend to nip. Or anything in the tank doesnt nip the angels fins. They will be alright with the corys, though you might want to check with someone else about the shrimp.

Another idea is a whole tank of plattys an guppys. They are colourful and intresting to watch. Or a mixture of different gouramis ?

I dont know... Get a few more views first I suppose :blush:

I woundn't get angels as they will out grow fast, Dwarf gourami (only problem is inbreeding has caused them to be crap at living :))
Ember tetras are small and a bargin,you could get a shoal of these....My LFS sells them 20 for £12 might get some for the 4 footer when i get some room!
ye, i was thinking a pair of these. does anyone know if you can get these lutino neon tetras in or near dorset? i would love to go and get some :D
Not heard of lutino neon's, but I've little interest in tetra's (other than embers - love those little beggars.)

Dwarf gourami are stunning fish, but as already said they're notoriously sickly. Shouldn't be added to a new tank for a start, you'd want a fairly mature tank.

Maybe a normal honey gourami, a couple of apisto's (agazizzi or cacatuoides, though I'd look them up to be sure) and some cardinal tetra's.
about the apistos, i was looking for them but i dont know anyone that has them or anywere that sells them. and about those lutino neons go on to the neon tetras in the species section and there on there. and about cardinals, i think there to common. and about the dwarf gouramis, i do like honeys so i think i will go with these.
about the apistos, i was looking for them but i dont know anyone that has them or anywere that sells them. and about those lutino neons go on to the neon tetras in the species section and there on there. and about cardinals, i think there to common. and about the dwarf gouramis, i do like honeys so i think i will go with these.

apistogramma sp. are sold widely, the most common of which are the cockatoos, most lfs' will sell these, borelli's are also quite common and if you get a good strain they are stunning fish. For 60l i would go for cichlids or dwarf puffer, the cichlids don't have to be apistogramma's, fish like kribs or rams would be nice. Or maybe even some micro rasboras or a invert tank.
about the apistos, i was looking for them but i dont know anyone that has them or anywere that sells them. and about those lutino neons go on to the neon tetras in the species section and there on there. and about cardinals, i think there to common. and about the dwarf gouramis, i do like honeys so i think i will go with these.

apistogramma sp. are sold widely, the most common of which are the cockatoos, most lfs' will sell these, borelli's are also quite common and if you get a good strain they are stunning fish. For 60l i would go for cichlids or dwarf puffer, the cichlids don't have to be apistogramma's, fish like kribs or rams would be nice. Or maybe even some micro rasboras or a invert tank.
i will have to look around for the apistos. if i got kribs or rams i could only get 1 ram or 1 krib as my tank is only 15 gal.
i was going to get a pair of rams but i decided that i would rather go with different fish. i want a centre piece fish such as apistos. is there any other centre piece fish i could have??

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