Polythene Fish Bags


Fish Crazy
Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Portsmouth, Hampshire
I am trying to locate an online retailer in the UK selling Poly bags suitable to transport fish. These bags need to have their bottom corners angled so as not to trap small fish.

I also need to find some "Bag Buddies" - tablets that provide additional oxygen and water conditioning whilst the fish are in transit.

Can anyone advise please?

I am trying to locate an online retailer in the UK selling Poly bags suitable to transport fish. These bags need to have their bottom corners angled so as not to trap small fish.

I also need to find some "Bag Buddies" - tablets that provide additional oxygen and water conditioning whilst the fish are in transit.

Can anyone advise please?


Ebay is probably the cheapest place.

you dont need the corners angled, when posting/transporting fish they should be double bagged anyways. ie 1 bag upside down in another making the bottoms rounded hence the no need for angled bags :good:

unless you are using them on a regular basis, i am sure your LFS will give you some for free, or maybe 5p a bag.

If you dont get rounded corners, then get some sellotape and tape the corners to make them smooth.
Thanks to all whom have responded to my post - firstly let me say that I already have loads of bags obtained from my LFS and I DO DOUBLE BAG and to a degree this does lessen the problem however when a fish bag is laid flat in a Poly box during transit there is still a risk. I lessen the risk further by taping the square ends however I feel that this does not give a professional presentation and it is for this reason that I am seeking the angled corners. Even with this type of bag I will continue to double bag for safety.

The only supplier I have come across thus far is TA Aquaculture - I do a lot of business with these guys and they are indeed first class however the bags are expensive.

My search continues.
what do you breed bungy?

Jonny, I breed mainly Rift Valley Cichlids ie Lake Malawi, Tanganyika and Victoria - I have a fish-house with approx 1000L connected to a centralised sump driven hard water system. I always have several species of fry available and managed to sell locally to cover my running costs however recently ive had several enquiries from further afield that will require postage and although Ive managed postage ok in the past id prefer to use the rounded corner bags just to be sure, hence my original posting on this forum. I sell all my Malawi Juvi's at around 3cm for £2 per fish.

I also have a 70G community tank indoors and loads of fry from the usual suspects - Guppys, Swordtails, Plattys etc which sell ok at 5 for a quid at fish shows etc. I won 4th place recently with one of my Male line bread Pintail Guppys which I was pleased about as it has taken me around 17 months to get the lineage right and many many generations of selective pairing.
I have a breeding pair of Angels which spawn every 3 weeks or so and my pair of Kribs are regular spawners. I have another separate tank for breeding Ancistrus Bristlenose and another tank which is my missus passion - her invertebrate tank where she keeps and breeds numerous species of shrimp.

i buy mine from ebay - normal square edged fish bags and just tape up the corners with sellotape to make them round before adding the water - very handy when sending shrimps and small fishies

i still double bag them

these are the ones i got 50 fpr £5 he does other sizes aswell -- none of them leaked were perfect
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