Extremely Cloudy Tank


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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just came on quite suddenly this morning,did have a guppie die over night - seems to be the last one that suffered mouth rot after i got those mollies.
anyway temp has been at room temp since i started treating-as advised
have given the second dose ( interpet no8) today and before i did i gave the tank a 50% wc, but now its even worse.. for the past week it has been quite dark in the tank as i havent been able to do my everyother day water changes due to meds and theres newish bogwood in there so tannins have been leaking
i havent tested today but i did yesterday and they were
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5 ( seems -5 but maybe due to meds? )

would like to know why the cloudiness,

oops occupants are,
2 large angels
3 platys
6 tiny baby bristlenose- tho i cant find one of of the albinos- but there are tonnes of hidy places
3 small clown loach
there were fry in the tank but i moved them into a spare one this morning as im worried about the effect of this on them :/

many thanks in advance

shelagh x x x
could be any of several reasons TBH. as long as it does not smell off it is usually OK for a short while.

If you have only missed 1 wc then you will be fine (probably ) & should finish the treatment.

if things look bad then discontinue treatment and do big WC's and add carbon to filter for a few days then treat as required.

Although stopping a treatment half way through i not recommended, if water quality has gone then you will start to loose fish anyway....
i'm no expert on meds and there effect on water quality but with doing regular water changes like this it is very likely the cloudiness is due to a bacterial bloom in which case its nothing to worry about, i get them quite a lot in my fry tubs because i change 50% every 2 days, i could be completely off the mark though. Are your fish hanging near the surface?

It could have something to do with the med, Interpet No.8, thats a pretty intense med, i think thats the one that contains Formeldahyde yes? When i think my fish might be getting sick i just place the No.8 bottle infront of the glass in the hope that it will scare the fish into not getting sick :lol:
no doesnt smell bad at all.thats the last treatment now according to intructions
when would u rec i do another water change now, after what they have been thru with this mouth rot ( tho none have recovered all that had it have died :( i wouldnt want to lose anymore due to bad water :/
the looks of it just looks like it might suffocate them ( at the risk of sounding stupid) i have turned the filter so that its blowing a fast stream of bubbles into the water, cant think what else to do to be honest, so feel a bit stuck at this point
thanks for the help so far mike :)

no none are near rhe surface, all seems as happy as they can be i suppose, i thought maybe a bacterial bloom too, in which cas its gonna get worse before it gets better and a 50% wasnt such a good idea
Sounds bacterial bloom to me hon, if you've finished the meds, do a 50% w/c and run some carbon in the filter to remove any remaining, will clear up in a day or so I expect. Keep an eye on the stats in case.
Tomorrow if you added it today.

Did you lose all the guppies as well?

Did you get the juwel filter sorted?
hia mags :)

so if i added the last dose today, when do i do the WC and add the carbon?

i always run the water through carbon (make sure its fresh carbon) 24 hours after the last dose, same with water changes. good luck.
yes lost all the guppies too :( tho was left with about 20 fry ( now in a little tank) and the one that died overnight was heavily pregnant and was in the net, i didnt think she would make it by the look of her mouth but i didnt have the heart to euthanise her incase the babies were born healty, so dont know if i was right or wrong there, moral dilema. but no one else is showing signs, so im really hoping thats it

havent been in the juwel yet as i will have to move the tv out of the way etc so ill leave it till later tonight, but thanks for the help on that didnt think to ask earlier :lol: ill need a step ladder to get to it, but Bo is much happier now been stuffing his face with prawns again today.hes a proper guts.. he swims to the glass and looks up :lol: not interested in me only in if theres any food for him, hes a really lovely fish, still working on having my hands in the tank without him worrying tho, he`ll come around :)

thanks jonny :)
Columnaris is nasty sounds like there would have been nothing else you could have done, least you have the babies :)

Dont forget a bowl when you tackle that filter, it will drip everywhere otherwise :good:

Did you pick up the new tank today as well, 4 now is it :lol:
its the worst sickness i have ever seen.. thats what puts me off community fish, but lets hope thats the last of it now..

no havent been for the tank, i bought a new car and it needed tyres, tho i didnt think to tell the garage they were low profile, so had to go twice to get 4 as he only had 2 , then there were 2 different treads,so going back tommorow to finish that, have called the guy and he was fine about it, dont fancy going into cardiff at this time of the day now.

yes it will be 4 :D tho this one is being hidden iin the bedroom as i could get another 4ft down here so no point wasting that 1.5 foot is there :lol:
then i start on the garage.. loads of space with dainage and a concrete floor :lol:
just a quickie cos i didn't realise it was columnaris, i dose pimafix and myxazin - works a treat.
yeah so i heard thats good, but i had started with this, if i havent got it this round it will be those instead.
about half an hour ago came into the room and thought.. wow that looks bad and it looks like a layer of white dust is collecting in the tank,also "long cobwebs"

i have done a water test and EVERYTHING is 0 ???? i opened the fluval U4 to make sure those white bio things wernt breaking up and dont appear to be

no idea what to do.. help plz

edit.. looks like the white cobwebs are the roots of the java fern, been pulled up and covered in this white stuff

Are these cobwebs moving? ie are they alive?

Could be a form of algae.

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