Co2 Added.... Algae Usual?


Fish Crazy
Feb 18, 2009
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hi, my 65l tank is lightly planted with 1wpg, i added my yeast based co2 last night and left it overnight and today i checked and there is algae everywhere :blink: shall i remove the co2 until i have more plants and light? or is there another problem here?
hi, my 65l tank is lightly planted with 1wpg, i added my yeast based co2 last night and left it overnight and today i checked and there is algae everywhere :blink: shall i remove the co2 until i have more plants and light? or is there another problem here?

how long are your lights on for per day? Lighting is low so i'm guessing you must have had it on for over 12 hours?

The more plants the better when it comes to combating algae. I've find that easylife easycarbo is great for controlling algae if you haven't quite found that delicate balance of nutrient dosing but on a decent size tank it can get quite expensive.
its around 10 hours atm... will be buying more java ferns tomoro, then working on my riccia bed next week...
While you are waiting for the more knowledgable folk to arrive I will give a suggestion - I think you will find that because algae adjusts to co2 changes much quicker than plants this will be the reason for you sudden bloom.

I think taking away will only make things worse as your plants will be adjusting to the new levels.

Now you will need to maintain your levels and this ain't easy DIY... As I am finding out!
ok, co2 is staying!

best to wait for the plants to adjust to thieve back all the co2/light/nutrients then :D?
While you are waiting for the more knowledgable folk to arrive I will give a suggestion

oooh keenonfish that one hurt :-(

reduce your lighting mate, you dont need more than 6-7 hours on a lightly planted tank with co2.
While you are waiting for the more knowledgable folk to arrive I will give a suggestion

oooh keenonfish that one hurt :-(

reduce your lighting mate, you dont need more than 6-7 hours on a lightly planted tank with co2.

Sorry I didn't even see you post :unsure: I have a weird problem with Mozilla where I am not seeing complete posts atm. Mostly stops before my last post but other times it stops regardless :angry:

I think I need to google the problem before I run into any more trouble...
but i dont have decent lighting though lol :p

no you don't :lol: If you want a heavily planted tank you will need a tad more WPG than that, the good news is theres lots of choice out there, try looking into the Hagen GLO T5HO, good value and the quality is second to none, its a luminaire too so it looks sweet.

No worries keenonfish, i though you might have taken offence to my sig seen as your from manchester :p :lol:
Adding co2 without adding any ferts is asking for trouble.

co2 forces plants to grow at much faster rates, increasing their demand for good ferts - without them the plant with starve, break down and cause ammonia spikes (which can be undetectable with basic kits), leading to algae outbreaks.

Reduce lighting to 6 or 7 hours per day and increase water changes. Remove any algae from the tank too - as much as possible before the w/c. Add more plant mass and dose good amounts of ferts at very regular periods.
While you are waiting for the more knowledgable folk to arrive I will give a suggestion

oooh keenonfish that one hurt :-(

reduce your lighting mate, you dont need more than 6-7 hours on a lightly planted tank with co2.

Sorry I didn't even see you post :unsure: I have a weird problem with Mozilla where I am not seeing complete posts atm. Mostly stops before my last post but other times it stops regardless :angry:

I think I need to google the problem before I run into any more trouble...

I have that problem too :unsure: Its annoying, and embarrasing when i ask for information even though it has already been posted :blush:

What needs to be said has done already.

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