Search results

  1. M

    What's Your Favorite Fish?

    weather loach i never liked blood parrots :unsure: . they look nice but the fact that theyre a hybrid always turned me off.
  2. M

    What A Bargain, But What Should I Do With It?

    thats something that doesn't get mentioned enough. you really have to give yourself some time to decide... because once its done, its done.
  3. M


    kuhli loaches need to be in groups to live comfortably. good luck :D
  4. M

    Betta And Tetra

    i kept a male betta with pristellas in a 20 gallon. it was fine for months, but eventually the pristellas began to nip and my betta became stressed so i had to move him.
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    Colorful 10G Stocking Ideas?

  6. M

    Colorful 10G Stocking Ideas?

    you really shouldn't state your opinions as fact. :sly: i've never heard of a dwarf gourami being too big for a 10 gallon. in fact, just out of the first 3 sites i found on google, they all say 10 gallons is appropriate. actually, one site even said a 5 gallon would work...
  7. M

    Colorful 10G Stocking Ideas?

    yeah, a lot of what i said was just based on opinion... im just throwin ideas out there. but for the record, the gourami won't feel alone. actually, they're territorial towards their own kind so its best to keep them singly.
  8. M

    Colorful 10G Stocking Ideas?

    if youre going for color i think kuhli loaches would look cooler than corys a dwarf gourami would be a nice show-fish too. either a 'wild' type or a blue (the darker blue the better)...
  9. M

    15 Gallon Community, + 1 Dwarf Gourami

    thats a male to the left with a female on the right. females are generally silver, lacking the red and blue of the males. for this reason most pet stores only sell males. to be honest, i don't know of any pet stores in my area that carry females. even with a female though, the male will...
  10. M

    Using Media From 20 Gallon To Cycle 55 Gallon Tank

    :blush: :blink: i'm losing my mind
  11. M

    Using Media From 20 Gallon To Cycle 55 Gallon Tank

    fast for 24 days? how long can fish go without food?
  12. M

    15 Gallon Community, + 1 Dwarf Gourami

    in 15 gallons you should probably stick to 1 dwarf. if you add another one, the guy you have now will probably dominate the other leaving it miserable and stressed (constantly hiding). if you were to get a 50 gallon you could definitely add more.
  13. M

    Using Media From 20 Gallon To Cycle 55 Gallon Tank

    thank you :D but what im trying to do is cycle the 55 gallon with the 20 gallons media while the 20 gallon is still running. i don't plan on moving any of the fish that are in the 20 gallon tank. my understanding is that i can somehow quickly cycle the new filter on the 55 gallon, which i...
  14. M

    New To Bettas - Need Minibow Tank Size Advice

    simply put... get the 2 and a half gallon. never take advice from pet store people. get your information online from people that know what they're talkin about and don't have an incentive to lie to you. :D
  15. M

    Stocking Suggestions Anybody?

    maybe a pearl gourami or a dwarf... or maybe a dwarf cichlid like a ram?
  16. M

    Using Media From 20 Gallon To Cycle 55 Gallon Tank

    I have a 20 gallon tank that has been up and running for about a year now. I want to use the filter media to instantly cycle a 55 gallon. The 20 gallon is filtered with 3 sponge filters. how should i go about doing this?
  17. M

    Some People Are Truely Pathetic

    i was surprised to read that, you'd think that if anyone would be sympathetic it'd be animal rights people.
  18. M

    Tank Of The Year?

    ^^ :lol: that was my idea in the first place... i didn't go into detail with my original post though.. i guess i thought it would be assumed that the 12 monthly winners would be the nominations.
  19. M

    Perfect Match?

    180 liters? thats a lot of water. you should be fine
  20. M

    Perfect Match?

    the gouramis you have all reach pretty radically different sizes. kissing gourami can get huge at around 12 inches, gold gouramis will probably be about 5 and the thick lipped will be the smallest. the thick lipped will probably end up getting bullied for that reason. it might work though...
  21. M

    Nitrate Level

    will filtered tap water have a lower nitrate level? does all tap water have nitrates?
  22. M

    Tank Of The Year?

    there should be a tank of the year poll after 12 months... just puttin it out there.
  23. M

    Honey Gourami Attacking Corys

    maybe you could try rearranging the tank.. i hear that works for some people.
  24. M


    word. black posterboard does it. those backgrounds with ocean-like pictures always come off as corny to me.
  25. M

    My Tank Video

    really nice tank. you should take the tiger barbs and bettas out though. they're both out of place for a lot of reasons.
  26. M

    I Bet You Have Never Seen A Shoal Like This Before!

    some wild neon shoals here
  27. M

    Just Starting Off

    if you want your fishes color to stand out more you should make sure that your gravel and decorations aren't brightly colored. you should get yourself some tall plants for the background. real or fake. you should definitely keep some low maintenance real plants though even if only a few small...
  28. M

    Using Parasite Clear In Planted Tank

    removing the shrimp is gonna be tough because the tank is pretty well planted and decorated. the tank is a 20 gallon long and its stocked with 1 dwarf gourami 6 white mountain cloud minnows 2 golden dojo loaches 3 corys (2 bronze, 1 albino) 3 african dwarf frogs 9 ghost shrimp and 1 apple...
  29. M

    Using Parasite Clear In Planted Tank

    my white mountain cloud minnows that i got a few weeks ago have some type of parasite (not ich). i've ignored them scratching themselves but a few days ago one of them died and a couple others look pale. i also saw one of my corys scratch themselves today so i think its time to take action. i...
  30. M

    Using Parasite Clear In Planted Tank

    my white mountain cloud minnows that i got a few weeks ago have some type of parasite (not ich). i've ignored them scratching themselves but a few days ago one of them died and a couple others look pale. i also saw one of my corys scratch themselves today so i think its time to take action. i...
  31. M

    Why Do So Many People...

    ok.. but you can breed any type of fish and it'll be a challenge. why try to breed the type that is the most abused in the pet trade? not to mention that its extremely available. i dont think ive been to a single pet store in my life thats running low on bettas.
  32. M

    Betta And Tetra

    if by "x-ray tetras" you're referring to pristellas then no, it most likely won't work. pristellas are commonly labeled as x-ray tetras. anyway, i had a betta in a 20 gallon with about 12 pristellas and it worked for a little while.. but eventually the tetras started to nip (as they usually...
  33. M

    Gold Gouramis - Agressive? *update*

    ha all i have is a dwarf and he hates corys. after the gourami discovered the bottom-feeder food it was downhill from there. he pecks at algae wafers and eventually at the corys and loaches too. now he chases the corys on a regular basis. not everytime he sees them but a few times a day...
  34. M

    25 Plants For £5 Or Somthing?

    doesn't ship to US :( i got excited for a second there
  35. M

    So I Bought A Co2 System

    i bought this system on ebay... it hasn't arrived yet... but i figured i should ask my questions now. what should i know going into this? i hear its pretty easy to setup. i have a pretty well planted 20 gallon aquarium and i...
  36. M

    Pearl And Dwarf Gourami Together?

    in a 20 gallon long tank. good idea? bad idea?