Perfect Match?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 11, 2009
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in my tank i have 3 gourami's (mixed with other small fish)

(x1) kissing gourami
(x1) golden gourami
(x1) blue dwarf thick lipped gourami

neither are very large yet, the thick lipped for obviouse reasons lol but quite often the kissing gourami and the golden gourami follow each other around the tank...
even when feeding....
i kno small school fish like (neon tetra's) follow each other around the tank but do gourami's even of different kinds do this too?
or are they generally solitery fish that keep them selves to them selves?
if they are why do they follow each other and is this normal?

any opinions and advise would be cool. :D
in my tank i have 3 gourami's (mixed with other small fish)

(x1) kissing gourami
(x1) golden gourami
(x1) blue dwarf thick lipped gourami

neither are very large yet, the thick lipped for obviouse reasons lol but quite often the kissing gourami and the golden gourami follow each other around the tank...
even when feeding....
i kno small school fish like (neon tetra's) follow each other around the tank but do gourami's even of different kinds do this too?
or are they generally solitery fish that keep them selves to them selves?
if they are why do they follow each other and is this normal?

any opinions and advise would be cool. :D

the gouramis you have all reach pretty radically different sizes. kissing gourami can get huge at around 12 inches, gold gouramis will probably be about 5 and the thick lipped will be the smallest. the thick lipped will probably end up getting bullied for that reason. it might work though, crazier things have happened. how bigs the tank?
my tank is 180 litres...and i know the kissing gourami will get bigger and the tank size will increase as it grows older.
none of my fish are chasing each other or fighting.
my tank is 180 litres...and i know the kissing gourami will get bigger and the tank size will increase as it grows older.
none of my fish are chasing each other or fighting.

180 liters? thats a lot of water. you should be fine

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