

Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2010
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im going to stock my 70 gallon tank
at the monent

water hardness;4dh

cabomba (4 bunches)
bacopa (1 Bunch)
lace fern (1 plant)
thin vallisneria (2 bunches)
dwarf hygrophilia (3 bunches)
dwarf anubias (2 plants)
false tenneles (whole foreground)
cryptocorne wendtii (2 Plants)
Java moss (2 bunches)

2 large angelfish
1 small bristle nose
1 dwarf gourami
1 small kuhli loach

3 mopani wood peices
3 artificial hiding places
3 large lava rocks
in amongst the plants

rummy noses, glowlight tetra, betta can i get these and others?
what would be good stocking suggestions?
kuhli loaches need to be in groups to live comfortably. good luck :D
yeah i was going to get some more because when i got that one it was the only one in the store
Yeah agree about upping the numbers of the loaches but I can see you know that :)

Festivums usually mix well with angels in that size tanks so thats a possibility, small eartheaters would work well as well like Geophagus Tapajo sp Red Head or Geophagus sp. Pindare. What are the dimensions of the tank? Just wondering about other cichlids you could consider - not sure how these will mix with the DG but cant see any major issues to be fair. Or you could go down the dwarf route which would be interesting in a big tank like that with a few apisto species or dwarf acaras etc. Hoplos would be pretty cool for catfish in a tank that size or flagtail catfish etc.
Sounds like a good plan so far.

One point I would make is that I wouldnt recommend mixing a betta and angels, you will mostly likely find the angels will rip the bettas tail to shreds.

In a 70g those fish are no problem :good: only issue is if the angels will eat the tetras or not?

one angel is peacful
the other sometimes gets aggresive but not that often

how strong shoalers are glowlights

im changing 30% of water a fortnight do i need to change this to get rummy noses
Rummy noses are very tight schoolers but not sure of glowlights never kept them. Rummy noses are a bit fragile and do prefer a higher temperature but yeah I would consider doing 1 30% per week rather than fortnightly.
Rummy's school better than Glowlights, once glowlights get settled they don't school at all. Just to say though, i don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but my Rummy's nipped my Angels to bits.
really they dont school at all because i love them but i only wont schooling fish so how about black neons and cardinals
How long is you tank, is it at 4ft minimum because if it is then a good choice would be clown loach, to what I have been told they need a minimum of 60g 4ft long tank.

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